Địa chỉ: 119/7 Đường TX43, Khu Phố 3, Phường Thạnh Xuân, Quận 12, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.
Chuyên kinh doanh các loại hóa chất tinh khiết, vật tư tiêu hao, thiết bị phòng labs của các hãng: Sigma-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Scharlau, Duksan, Xilong, ....
Chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Chromium(III) nitrate monohydrate, extra pure, SLR | C/5560/53 |
Chromium(III) nitrate monohydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Chromium(III) oxide, green, extra pure, SLR | C/5680/53 |
Chromium(III) oxide, green, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Chromium(III) potassium sulfate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR | C/5720/53 |
Chromium(III) potassium sulfate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Chromium(IV) oxide, for analysis | C/5920/50 |
C/5920/53 | |
Chromium(IV) oxide, for analysis Total | |
Chromium(VI) oxide, extra pure, SLR | C/5880/50 |
C/5880/53 | |
Chromium(VI) oxide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Chromium(VI) oxide, technical | C/5840/53 |
C/5840/62 | |
Chromium(VI) oxide, technical Total | |
Chromotropic acid sodium salt dihydrate, extra pure, SLR, for formaldehyde determination | C/6002/46 |
Chromotropic acid sodium salt dihydrate, extra pure, SLR, for formaldehyde determination Total | |
Cinnamaldehyde, extra pure, SLR | C/6098/08 |
Cinnamaldehyde, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Cinnamic acid, 99+%, technical | C/6100/48 |
Cinnamic acid, 99+%, technical Total | |
Citric acid monohydrate, extra pure, SLR, granular | C/6160/53 |
C/6160/60 | |
C/6160/62 | |
C/6160/65 | |
C/6160/70 | |
Citric acid monohydrate, extra pure, SLR, granular Total | |
Citric acid monohydrate, For amino acid analysis | C/P330/53 |
C/P330/60 | |
Citric acid monohydrate, For amino acid analysis Total | |
Citric acid monohydrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph.,USP | C/6200/53 |
C/6200/60 | |
C/6200/62 | |
C/6200/65 | |
C/6200/70 | |
Citric acid monohydrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph.,USP Total | |
Citric acid monohydrate, For foodstuffs analysis, low in lead | C/6180/53 |
Citric acid monohydrate, For foodstuffs analysis, low in lead Total | |
Citric acid monohydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, Certified | C/6230/53 |
Citric acid monohydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, Certified Total | |
Citric acid, 99+%, technical, anhydrous, SLR, conforms to Eur.Ph., BP, USP, | C/6240/53 |
Citric acid, 99+%, technical, anhydrous, SLR, conforms to Eur.Ph., BP, USP, Total | |
Clove oil | C/6280/05 |
Clove oil Total | |
Cobalt solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid | J/8250/05 |
Cobalt solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total | |
Cobalt solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8020/05 |
J/8020/08 | |
Cobalt solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Cobalt solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid | J/8251/08 |
Cobalt solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total | |
Cobalt(II) acetate tetrahydrate, pure | C/6400/50 |
Cobalt(II) acetate tetrahydrate, pure Total | |
Cobalt(II) carbonate, technical | C/6459/48 |
Cobalt(II) carbonate, technical Total | |
Cobalt(II) chloride anhydrous, technical, SLR | C/6600/48 |
Cobalt(II) chloride anhydrous, technical, SLR Total | |
Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR | C/6520/48 |
C/6520/53 | |
C/6520/60 | |
Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, for analysis | C/6560/48 |
C/6560/53 | |
C/6560/60 | |
C/6560/65 | |
Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, for analysis Total | |
Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, technical | C/6500/48 |
C/6500/53 | |
Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, technical Total | |
Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR | C/6640/48 |
C/6640/53 | |
Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, for analysis | C/6680/48 |
C/6680/50 | |
Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, for analysis Total | |
Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, 99-101%, for analysis | C/6880/48 |
Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, 99-101%, for analysis Total | |
Cobalt(II) sulfate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR | C/6840/50 |
C/6840/53 | |
Cobalt(II) sulfate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Cobalt, technical, powder, SLR | C/6360/48 |
Cobalt, technical, powder, SLR Total | |
Collodion, flexible methylated, >0.75 and <0.85 g wt./ml | C/7000/08 |
Collodion, flexible methylated, >0.75 and <0.85 g wt./ml Total | |
Congo red, pure, C.I. 22120, pH and adsorption indicator | C/7020/46 |
Congo red, pure, C.I. 22120, pH and adsorption indicator Total | |
Coomassie Blue G250, for electrophoresis, (PAGE blue G90), C.I. 42655 | C/P541/46 |
Coomassie Blue G250, for electrophoresis, (PAGE blue G90), C.I. 42655 Total | |
Coomassie Blue R250, for electrophoresis, (PAGE blue 83) C.I. 42660 | C/P540/46 |
Coomassie Blue R250, for electrophoresis, (PAGE blue 83) C.I. 42660 Total | |
Copper solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid | J/8255/05 |
Copper solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total | |
Copper solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8025/05 |
J/8025/08 | |
Copper solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Copper solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid | J/8256/08 |
Copper solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total | |
Copper(I) iodide, technical, SLR | C/8800/48 |
Copper(I) iodide, technical, SLR Total | |
Copper(I) oxide, extra pure, SLR | C/8840/50 |
Copper(I) oxide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) acetate, extra pure, SLR | C/7760/50 |
C/7760/53 | |
Copper(II) acetate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) bromide, technical, SLR | C/7840/50 |
Copper(II) bromide, technical, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) carbonate basic, extra pure, SLR | C/7880/50 |
C/7880/53 | |
C/7880/70 | |
Copper(II) carbonate basic, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) carbonate, technical, basic | C/7879/53 |
C/7879/63 | |
Copper(II) carbonate, technical, basic Total | |
Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, SLR | C/7920/48 |
C/7920/50 | |
C/7920/53 | |
C/7920/65 | |
Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, for analysis | C/7960/48 |
C/7960/60 | |
Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, for analysis Total | |
Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, 95+%, extra pure, SLR | C/8080/50 |
C/8080/53 | |
Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, 95+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) oxide, for analysis | C/8360/50 |
Copper(II) oxide, for analysis Total | |
Copper(II) oxide, pure, wire form | C/8320/48 |
C/8320/53 | |
Copper(II) oxide, pure, wire form Total | |
Copper(II) oxide, technical, powder | C/8200/50 |
C/8200/53 | |
Copper(II) oxide, technical, powder Total | |
Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR | C/8600/50 |
C/8600/60 | |
Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, extra pure, SLR | C/8520/50 |
C/8520/53 | |
C/8520/60 | |
C/8520/63 | |
C/8520/65 | |
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, for analysis | C/8560/50 |
C/8560/53 | |
C/8560/60 | |
C/8560/63 | |
C/8560/65 | |
C/8560/70 | |
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, for analysis Total | |
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, technical | C/8480/53 |
C/8480/60 | |
C/8480/63 | |
C/8480/65 | |
Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, technical Total | |
Copper, technical, metal foil, (about 0.1 mm) | C/7050/50 |
C/7050/53 | |
Copper, technical, metal foil, (about 0.1 mm) Total | |
Copper, technical, metal wire, about 0.91 mm, 20 swg | C/7210/53 |
Copper, technical, metal wire, about 0.91 mm, 20 swg Total | |
Copper, technical, metal, powder, SLR | C/7120/48 |
C/7120/50 | |
C/7120/53 | |
Copper, technical, metal, powder, SLR Total | |
Copper, technical, turnings, metal, SLR | C/7160/53 |
C/7160/60 | |
Copper, technical, turnings, metal, SLR Total | |
Cresol purple, pure, solution 0.04 %, pH indicator | C/7450L/05 |
Cresol purple, pure, solution 0.04 %, pH indicator Total | |
Cresol red, pure, indicator grade, solid | C/7460/44 |
Cresol red, pure, indicator grade, solid Total | |
Cresol red, pure, solution 0.02 % pH indicator | C/7460L/08 |
Cresol red, pure, solution 0.02 % pH indicator Total | |
Cupferron, for analysis, Certified AR | C/7720/48 |
Cupferron, for analysis, Certified AR Total | |
Curcumin, pure, crystalline | C/8850/43 |
Curcumin, pure, crystalline Total | |
Cyclohexane, extra pure, SLR | C/8920/17 |
C/8920/21 | |
C/8920/25 | |
C/8920/FP21 | |
C/8920/PB08 | |
C/8920/PB17 | |
Cyclohexane, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Cyclohexane, for analysis | C/8921/15 |
C/8921/17 | |
C/8921/21 | |
C/8921/25 | |
C/8921/27 | |
C/8921/PB17 | |
Cyclohexane, for analysis Total | |
Cyclohexane, for HPLC | C/8936/15 |
C/8936/17 | |
C/8936/PB17 | |
Cyclohexane, for HPLC Total | |
Cyclohexane, for residue analysis, Distol | C/8933/15 |
C/8933/17 | |
Cyclohexane, for residue analysis, Distol Total | |
Cyclohexanol, pure | C/9000/PB08 |
C/9000/PB17 | |
Cyclohexanol, pure Total | |
Cyclohexanone, extra pure, SLR | C/9040/21 |
C/9040/25 | |
C/9040/PB08 | |
C/9040/PB17 | |
Cyclohexanone, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Cyclohexanone, for analysis | C/9050/PB08 |
C/9050/PB17 | |
Cyclohexanone, for analysis Total | |
Cyclohexene, 99+%, extra pure, SLR | C/9080/07 |
C/9080/08 | |
Cyclohexene, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
D(-)-Fructose, for analysis, specified according to the requirements of USP | F/1952/48 |
F/1952/53 | |
F/1952/60 | |
D(-)-Fructose, for analysis, specified according to the requirements of USP Total | |
D(-)-Fructose, pure | F/1950/48 |
F/1950/50 | |
D(-)-Fructose, pure Total | |
D(+) Limonene, pure | L/1860/07 |
D(+) Limonene, pure Total | |
D(+)Galactose anhydrous, extra pure, SLR | G/0050/48 |
D(+)Galactose anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total | |
D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, extra pure, SLR | G/0450/53 |
G/0450/60 | |
G/0450/61 | |
G/0450/65 | |
D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total | |
D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, for analysis, Eur.Ph.,BP,USP | G/0500/53 |
G/0500/60 | |
G/0500/61 | |
G/0500/65 | |
G/0500/70 | |
D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, for analysis, Eur.Ph.,BP,USP Total | |
D(+)-Glucose monohydrate, extra pure, SLR, Eur.Ph.,BP | G/0400/60 |
G/0400/65 | |
D(+)-Glucose monohydrate, extra pure, SLR, Eur.Ph.,BP Total | |
D(+)-Mannose, extra pure, SLR | M/2420/45 |
D(+)-Mannose, extra pure, SLR Total | |
D(+)Melibiose monohydrate, pure | M/2510/45 |
D(+)Melibiose monohydrate, pure Total | |
Decahydronaphtalene, 99+%, pure | D/0052/17 |
Decahydronaphtalene, 99+%, pure Total | |
Decahydronaphthalene, technical | D/0050/17 |
Decahydronaphthalene, technical Total | |
Devarda's alloy silylation reagent, pure | D/0100/50 |
Devarda's alloy silylation reagent, pure Total | |
Dextran, pure, 150, M.W. 100,000-200,000 | D/0122/48 |
Dextran, pure, 150, M.W. 100,000-200,000 Total | |
Dextran, pure, 70, M.W. 60,000-80,000 | D/0124/48 |
Dextran, pure, 70, M.W. 60,000-80,000 Total | |
Dextrin, technical | D/0130/48 |
Dextrin, technical Total | |
Di-(2-hydroxyphenylimino)ethane, pure, For calcium determination | D/3100/45 |
Di-(2-hydroxyphenylimino)ethane, pure, For calcium determination Total | |
Diacetone alcohol, extra pure, SLR | D/0150/08 |
Diacetone alcohol, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Diacetyl, extra pure, SLR | D/0250/05 |
Diacetyl, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Ammonium hydrogen citrate, extra pure, SLR | A/5200/53 |
di-Ammonium hydrogen citrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate, extra pure, SLR | A/5320/53 |
A/5320/60 | |
di-Ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate, for analysis | A/5360/53 |
A/5360/60 | |
di-Ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate, for analysis Total | |
Diastase, pure, from malt, mixed alpha and beta amylase | D/0800/48 |
Diastase, pure, from malt, mixed alpha and beta amylase Total | |
Dichloroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR | D/1550/PB05 |
D/1550/PB15 | |
Dichloroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Dichloromethane, 99.9+%, For nucleotide and peptide synthesis, stabilized with amylene | D/1858/15 |
D/1858/17 | |
D/1858/PB17 | |
Dichloromethane, 99.9+%, For nucleotide and peptide synthesis, stabilized with amylene Total | |
Dichloromethane, 99+%, extra pure, stabilised with amylene, SLR | D/1850/08 |
D/1850/15 | |
D/1850/17 | |
D/1850/21 | |
D/1850/25 | |
D/1850/27 | |
D/1850/PB17 | |
D/1850/PC21 | |
Dichloromethane, 99+%, extra pure, stabilised with amylene, SLR Total | |
Dichloromethane, Extra Dry, stabilised with amylene, for organic synthesis | D/1854/PB15 |
Dichloromethane, Extra Dry, stabilised with amylene, for organic synthesis Total | |
Dichloromethane, for analysis, stabilized with amylene | D/1852/15 |
D/1852/17 | |
D/1852/21 | |
D/1852/24 | |
D/1852/25 | |
D/1852/27 | |
D/1852/PB15 | |
D/1852/PB17 | |
Dichloromethane, for analysis, stabilized with amylene Total | |
Dichloromethane, for HPLC, stabilized with amylene | D/1856/15 |
D/1856/17 | |
D/1856/21 | |
D/1856/PB17 | |
Dichloromethane, for HPLC, stabilized with amylene Total | |
Dichloromethane, for HPLC, stabilized with methanol | D/1859/15 |
D/1859/17 | |
Dichloromethane, for HPLC, stabilized with methanol Total | |
Dichloromethane, for HPLC, unstabilized | D/1857/15 |
D/1857/17 | |
D/1857/PB17 | |
Dichloromethane, for HPLC, unstabilized Total | |
Dichloromethane, for residue analysis, Distol, stabilized with amylene | D/1853/15 |
D/1853/17 | |
Dichloromethane, for residue analysis, Distol, stabilized with amylene Total | |
Dichloromethane, for trace metal analysis, Primar, stabilized with amylene | D/1855/17 |
Dichloromethane, for trace metal analysis, Primar, stabilized with amylene Total | |
Dichloromethane, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), stabilized with amylene | D/1861/PB17 |
Dichloromethane, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), stabilized with amylene Total | |
Dichloromethane, stabilized with ethanol | D/1860/PC21 |
Dichloromethane, stabilized with ethanol Total | |
Diethanolamine, extra pure, SLR | D/2050/08 |
D/2050/17 | |
Diethanolamine, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Diethyl ether, anhydrous, Extra Dry, for synthesis, stabilized with pyrogallol | D/2500/08 |
D/2500/15 | |
D/2500/17 | |
D/2500/PB17 | |
Diethyl ether, anhydrous, Extra Dry, for synthesis, stabilized with pyrogallol Total | |
Diethyl ether, Extra Dry, for synthesis, stabilized with ethanol | D/2502/15 |
D/2502/17 | |
D/2502/25RSS | |
Diethyl ether, Extra Dry, for synthesis, stabilized with ethanol Total | |
Diethyl ether, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with BHT | D/2400/17 |
D/2400/25 | |
D/2400/MS21 | |
D/2400/PB08 | |
D/2400/PB17 | |
Diethyl ether, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with BHT Total | |
Diethyl ether, for analysis, stabilized with BHT, Eur.Ph. | D/2450/15 |
D/2450/17 | |
D/2450/25 | |
D/2450/MS21 | |
D/2450/PB15 | |
D/2450/PB17 | |
Diethyl ether, for analysis, stabilized with BHT, Eur.Ph. Total | |
Diethyl ether, for HPLC, stabilized with ethanol | D/2506/15 |
D/2506/17 | |
D/2506/25RSS | |
D/2506/PB17 | |
Diethyl ether, for HPLC, stabilized with ethanol Total | |
Diethyl ether, for residue analysis, Distol, stabilized with copper gauze | D/2503/15 |
D/2503/17 | |
Diethyl ether, for residue analysis, Distol, stabilized with copper gauze Total | |
Diethyl ether, for trace metal analysis, Primar, stabilized with copper gauze | D/2455/17 |
Diethyl ether, for trace metal analysis, Primar, stabilized with copper gauze Total | |
Diethylamine, extra pure, SLR | D/2100/08 |
D/2100/17 | |
Diethylamine, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Diethylamine, for analysis | D/2110/08 |
D/2110/17 | |
Diethylamine, for analysis Total | |
Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate, pure | D/2250/48 |
Diethylammonium diethyldithiocarbamate, pure Total | |
Diethylene glycol, extra pure, SLR | D/2950/08 |
D/2950/17 | |
D/2950/25 | |
Diethylene glycol, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Diethylene glycol, for analysis | D/2951/08 |
D/2951/17 | |
Diethylene glycol, for analysis Total | |
Diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid sodium salt, technical, solution, about 40% w/w | D/2350/08 |
Diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid sodium salt, technical, solution, about 40% w/w Total | |
Di-iodomethane, technical, SLR | D/3200/04 |
Di-iodomethane, technical, SLR Total | |
Di-iso-propyl ether, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with BHT | D/5000/15 |
D/5000/17 | |
D/5000/21 | |
D/5000/FP21 | |
D/5000/PB17 | |
Di-iso-propyl ether, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with BHT Total | |
Di-iso-propyl ether, for analysis, stabilized with BHT | D/5002/15 |
D/5002/17 | |
D/5002/21 | |
D/5002/25 | |
Di-iso-propyl ether, for analysis, stabilized with BHT Total | |
Di-iso-propylnaphthalene, extra pure, mixed isomers, SLR | D/5010/17 |
Di-iso-propylnaphthalene, extra pure, mixed isomers, SLR Total | |
di-Lauroyl peroxide, pure | L/0565/48 |
L/0565/99 | |
di-Lauroyl peroxide, pure Total | |
Dimedone, pure | D/3220/46 |
Dimedone, pure Total | |
Dimethoxymethane, pure | D/3400/08 |
Dimethoxymethane, pure Total | |
Dimethyl digol, extra pure, SLR | D/3830/PB08 |
Dimethyl digol, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Dimethyl phthalate, extra pure, SLR | D/4050/08 |
D/4050/17 | |
Dimethyl phthalate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, extra pure, SLR | D/4120/21 |
D/4120/25 | |
D/4120/PB08 | |
D/4120/PB17 | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, For amino acid analysis | D/4128/PB17 |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, For amino acid analysis Total | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, for analysis | D/4121/21 |
D/4121/24 | |
D/4121/25 | |
D/4121/28 | |
D/4121/PB08 | |
D/4121/PB15 | |
D/4121/PB17 | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, for analysis Total | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, for HPLC | D/4125/99 |
D/4125/PB07 | |
D/4125/PB08 | |
D/4125/PB17 | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, for HPLC Total | |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) | D/4127/PB17 |
Dimethyl sulfoxide, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Total | |
Dimethylamine, pure, 40% w/v solution | D/3450/08 |
Dimethylamine, pure, 40% w/v solution Total | |
Dimethyldichlorosilane, pure | D/3820/PB05 |
D/3820/PB07 | |
Dimethyldichlorosilane, pure Total | |
Dimethylformamide, Extra Dry, for synthesis | D/3842/15 |
D/3842/17 | |
D/3842/PB17 | |
Dimethylformamide, Extra Dry, for synthesis Total | |
Dimethylformamide, extra pure, SLR | D/3840/08 |
D/3840/15 | |
D/3840/17 | |
D/3840/21 | |
D/3840/25 | |
D/3840/27 | |
D/3840/PB17 | |
Dimethylformamide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Dimethylformamide, for analysis | D/3841/08 |
D/3841/15 | |
D/3841/17 | |
D/3841/21 | |
D/3841/24 | |
D/3841/25 | |
D/3841/27 | |
D/3841/PB17 | |
Dimethylformamide, for analysis Total | |
Dimethylformamide, for HPLC | D/3846/15 |
D/3846/17 | |
D/3846/PB17 | |
Dimethylformamide, for HPLC Total | |
Dimethylformamide, for peptide synthesis, packed under nitrogen | D/3848/PB17 |
Dimethylformamide, for peptide synthesis, packed under nitrogen Total | |
Dimethylformamide, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) | D/3847/PB17 |
Dimethylformamide, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Total | |
Dimethylglyoxime sodium salt, pure | D/3950/50 |
Dimethylglyoxime sodium salt, pure Total | |
Dimethylglyoxime, for analysis | D/3900/48 |
Dimethylglyoxime, for analysis Total | |
Dimethylglyoxime, pure | D/3898/46 |
D/3898/48 | |
Dimethylglyoxime, pure Total | |
Dimidium bromide-disulfine, extra pure, blue indicator stock solution, SLR | D/4140/05 |
Dimidium bromide-disulfine, extra pure, blue indicator stock solution, SLR Total | |
Di-n-butyl ether, 99+%, pure | D/1350/17 |
D/1350/25 | |
D/1350/27 | |
Di-n-butyl ether, 99+%, pure Total | |
Di-n-butyl phthalate, extra pure, SLR | D/1500/08 |
D/1500/17 | |
D/1500/27 | |
Di-n-butyl phthalate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Di-n-butylamine phosphate, for HPLC, Certified, solution 1,0 M | D/1341/05 |
Di-n-butylamine phosphate, for HPLC, Certified, solution 1,0 M Total | |
Di-n-butylamine, for HPLC, CertiFied | D/1338/PB07 |
Di-n-butylamine, for HPLC, CertiFied Total | |
Di-n-butylamine, pure | D/1340/PB08 |
Di-n-butylamine, pure Total | |
Diphenylamine, for analysis | D/4700/48 |
D/4700/50 | |
Diphenylamine, for analysis Total | |
Diphenylamine, pure, redox indicator | D/4600/48 |
Diphenylamine, pure, redox indicator Total | |
di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR | P/5240/53 |
P/5240/60 | |
P/5240/65 | |
P/5240/68 | |
di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Potassium Hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, for analysis | P/5245/53 |
P/5245/60 | |
P/5245/70 | |
di-Potassium Hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, for analysis Total | |
di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate trihydrate, extra pure, SLR | P/5248/53 |
P/5248/60 | |
di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate trihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate trihydrate, for analysis | P/5250/53 |
P/5250/60 | |
P/5250/70 | |
di-Potassium hydrogen orthophosphate trihydrate, for analysis Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen citrate sesquihydrate, 99-101%, extra pure, SLR | S/4280/53 |
di-Sodium hydrogen citrate sesquihydrate, 99-101%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR | S/4480/53 |
S/4480/60 | |
S/4480/65 |