Địa chỉ: 119/7 Đường TX43, Khu Phố 3, Phường Thạnh Xuân, Quận 12, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.
Chuyên kinh doanh các loại hóa chất tinh khiết, vật tư tiêu hao, thiết bị phòng labs của các hãng: Sigma-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Scharlau, Duksan, Xilong, ....
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP | S/4520/53 |
S/4520/60 | |
S/4520/63 | |
S/4520/65 | |
S/4520/70 | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR | S/4440/53 |
S/4440/60 | |
S/4440/65 | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, for analysis | S/4450/53 |
S/4450/60 | |
S/4450/65 | |
S/4450/68 | |
S/4450/70 | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, for analysis Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, Certified | S/4460/53 |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, Certified Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLR | S/4360/53 |
S/4360/60 | |
S/4360/62 | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysis | S/4400/53 |
S/4400/60 | |
S/4400/68 | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysis Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for electrophoresis, dibasic, anhydrous | S/P525/53 |
S/P525/63 | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for electrophoresis, dibasic, anhydrous Total | |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for HPLC, 0.25M solution | J/7650/PB08 |
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for HPLC, 0.25M solution Total | |
di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous, 99+%, extra pure | S/6980/60 |
di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous, 99+%, extra pure Total | |
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, 99+%, extra pure, SLR | S/7000/60 |
S/7000/63 | |
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph. | S/7010/60 |
S/7010/63 | |
S/7010/70 | |
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph. Total | |
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, for analysis | S/7040/50 |
S/7040/53 | |
S/7040/60 | |
S/7040/65 | |
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, for analysis Total | |
Dithio-oxamide, pure | D/5150/46 |
Dithio-oxamide, pure Total | |
Dithiothreitol | D/P351/43 |
D/P351/44 | |
Dithiothreitol Total | |
DL-Alanine, technical | A/1160/48 |
DL-Alanine, technical Total | |
DL-Camphor, extra pure, SLR, synthetic | C/2560/50 |
DL-Camphor, extra pure, SLR, synthetic Total | |
DL-Malic acid, extra pure, SLR | M/1350/53 |
DL-Malic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
DL-Phenylalanine, 98.5+%, extra pure | P/2461/48 |
DL-Phenylalanine, 98.5+%, extra pure Total | |
dodeca-Molybdophosphoric acid, pure | M/5650/48 |
dodeca-Molybdophosphoric acid, pure Total | |
Dodeca-Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate, for analysis | T/3902/48 |
Dodeca-Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate, for analysis Total | |
Dodeca-Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, extra pure, SLR | T/3940/48 |
Dodeca-Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, Ion pair chromatography | D/5311/46 |
Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, Ion pair chromatography Total | |
DPX mounting medium, For microscopy | D/5319/05 |
DPX mounting medium, For microscopy Total | |
Eriochrome black T, pure, C.I. 14645, Metal indicator | E/0100/46 |
E/0100/48 | |
Eriochrome black T, pure, C.I. 14645, Metal indicator Total | |
Eriochrome blue-black R, pure, C.I. 15705, Metal indicator | E/0200/46 |
Eriochrome blue-black R, pure, C.I. 15705, Metal indicator Total | |
Eriochrome cyanine R, pure, C.I. 43820, Metal indicator | E/0250/46 |
Eriochrome cyanine R, pure, C.I. 43820, Metal indicator Total | |
Eschka's mixture, for analysis | E/0300/53 |
Eschka's mixture, for analysis Total | |
Ethanediol, extra pure, SLR | E/0350/15 |
E/0350/17 | |
E/0350/25 | |
E/0350/PB08 | |
E/0350/PB17 | |
Ethanediol, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethanediol, for analysis | E/0352/08 |
E/0352/17 | |
E/0352/25 | |
E/0352/27 | |
E/0352/PB17 | |
Ethanediol, for analysis Total | |
Ethanol, 95%, for analysis | E/0550DF/15 |
E/0550DF/17 | |
E/0550DF/21 | |
E/0550DF/25 | |
Ethanol, 95%, for analysis Total | |
Ethanol, 96%, extra pure, SLR | E/0551DF/17 |
E/0551DF/C17 | |
Ethanol, 96%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethanol, 99.8+%, for analysis, absolute | E/0650DF/08 |
E/0650DF/15 | |
E/0650DF/17 | |
E/0650DF/21 | |
E/0650DF/24 | |
E/0650DF/25 | |
E/0650DF/28 | |
E/0650DF/C17 | |
E/0650DF/P17 | |
Ethanol, 99.8+%, for analysis, absolute Total | |
Ethanol, absolute, Primar for trace elemental | E/0655DF/17 |
Ethanol, absolute, Primar for trace elemental Total | |
Ethanol, extra pure, absolute, SLR | E/0600DF/15 |
E/0600DF/17 | |
E/0600DF/21 | |
E/0600DF/25 | |
E/0600DF/C17 | |
E/0600DF/F21 | |
E/0600DF/P25 | |
Ethanol, extra pure, absolute, SLR Total | |
Ethanol, extra pure, SLR, 95% v/v | E/0500DF/08 |
E/0500DF/15 | |
E/0500DF/17 | |
E/0500DF/C17 | |
E/0500DF/P17 | |
E/0500DF/P21 | |
E/0500DF/P24 | |
E/0500DF/P25 | |
Ethanol, extra pure, SLR, 95% v/v Total | |
Ethanol, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP, 96% v/v | E/0555DF/17 |
E/0555DF/21 | |
E/0555DF/25 | |
Ethanol, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP, 96% v/v Total | |
Ethanol, for HPLC, absolute, duty free | E/0665DF/15 |
E/0665DF/17 | |
Ethanol, for HPLC, absolute, duty free Total | |
Ethanolamine, extra pure, SLR | E/0700/08 |
E/0700/17 | |
E/0700/25 | |
E/0700/PB17 | |
Ethanolamine, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethanolamine, for analysis | E/0701/08 |
E/0701/17 | |
Ethanolamine, for analysis Total | |
Ethidium® bromide solution, for electrophoresis | E/P800/03 |
E/P800/10 | |
Ethidium® bromide solution, for electrophoresis Total | |
Ethidium® bromide, for electrophoresis | E/P700/44 |
Ethidium® bromide, for electrophoresis Total | |
Ethyl acetate, extra pure, SLR | E/0850/08 |
E/0850/15 | |
E/0850/17 | |
E/0850/21 | |
E/0850/24 | |
E/0850/25 | |
E/0850/27 | |
E/0850/FP21 | |
E/0850/PB17 | |
E/0850/PC17 | |
Ethyl acetate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethyl acetate, for analysis | E/0900/15 |
E/0900/17 | |
E/0900/21 | |
E/0900/25 | |
E/0900/27 | |
E/0900/FP21 | |
E/0900/PB17 | |
E/0900/PC17 | |
Ethyl acetate, for analysis Total | |
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC | E/0906/15 |
E/0906/17 | |
E/0906/PB17 | |
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC Total | |
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC, dried, with water content <100ppm | E/0907/17 |
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC, dried, with water content <100ppm Total | |
Ethyl acetate, For peptide sequencing | E/0908/17 |
Ethyl acetate, For peptide sequencing Total | |
Ethyl acetate, for residue analysis, Distol | E/0903/15 |
E/0903/17 | |
Ethyl acetate, for residue analysis, Distol Total | |
Ethyl acetoacetate, extra pure, SLR | E/0950/08 |
E/0950/17 | |
Ethyl acetoacetate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethyl cinnamate, technical | E/1250/04 |
Ethyl cinnamate, technical Total | |
Ethyl digol, pure | E/1300/17 |
Ethyl digol, pure Total | |
Ethyl lactate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR | E/1400/17 |
Ethyl lactate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethyl methyl ketone, extra pure, SLR | E/1450/08 |
E/1450/15 | |
E/1450/17 | |
E/1450/21 | |
E/1450/25 | |
E/1450/27 | |
E/1450/PB17 | |
Ethyl methyl ketone, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethyl methyl ketone, for analysis | E/1455/15 |
E/1455/17 | |
E/1455/25 | |
E/1455/27 | |
E/1455/PB15 | |
E/1455/PB17 | |
Ethyl methyl ketone, for analysis Total | |
Ethyl oleate, pure, for saponification | E/1460/08 |
Ethyl oleate, pure, for saponification Total | |
Ethylamine, pure, solution in water 70% w/w | E/1000/08 |
Ethylamine, pure, solution in water 70% w/w Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid diammonium salt, extra pure, SLR | D/0500/48 |
D/0500/70 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid diammonium salt, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt, extra pure, SLR | D/0600/53 |
D/0600/70 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid trisodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N (0.1M) solution | J/3700C/05 |
J/3700C/90 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid trisodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N (0.1M) solution Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, extra pure, SLR | D/0650/48 |
D/0650/50 | |
D/0650/53 | |
D/0650/60 | |
D/0650/65 | |
D/0650/68 | |
D/0650/70 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for analysis | D/0700/48 |
D/0700/50 | |
D/0700/53 | |
D/0700/60 | |
D/0700/65 | |
D/0700/68 | |
D/0700/70 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for analysis Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for electrophoresis | E/P140/48 |
E/P140/53 | |
E/P140/65 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for electrophoresis Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, HPLC for electrochemical detection, 0.2N solution, Certified | J/3710/17 |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, HPLC for electrochemical detection, 0.2N solution, Certified Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.02N solution | J/3720/17 |
J/3720/24 | |
J/3720/PB15 | |
J/3720C/05 | |
J/3720C/90 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.02N solution Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N solution | J/3700/15 |
J/3700/17 | |
J/3700/24 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N solution Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, extra pure, SLR | D/0450/50 |
D/0450/53 | |
D/0450/68 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, for analysis | D/0452/48 |
D/0452/50 | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, for analysis Total | |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt tetrahydrate, extra pure, SLR | D/0750/50 |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt tetrahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Fast Green FCF, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 42053 | F/P025/46 |
Fast Green FCF, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 42053 Total | |
Fehling's solution No. 1, to B.P. 1988 | J/3800/15 |
J/3800/17 | |
Fehling's solution No. 1, to B.P. 1988 Total | |
Fehling's solution No. 1, to Lane and Eynon modification | J/3910/17 |
J/3910/PB15 | |
Fehling's solution No. 1, to Lane and Eynon modification Total | |
Fehling's solution No. 2, contains sodium hydroxide to B.P. 1988 | J/3900/15 |
J/3900/17 | |
Fehling's solution No. 2, contains sodium hydroxide to B.P. 1988 Total | |
Fehling's solution No. 2, to Lane and Eynon modification | J/3920/17 |
J/3920/PB15 | |
Fehling's solution No. 2, to Lane and Eynon modification Total | |
Ficodox® Plus, pure, mixed COD reagent | J/4010/15 |
J/4010/PB17 | |
Ficodox® Plus, pure, mixed COD reagent Total | |
Ficodox®, pure, mixed COD reagent | J/4000/PB17 |
Ficodox®, pure, mixed COD reagent Total | |
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 100-200 U.S. Mesh | F/1173/50 |
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 100-200 U.S. Mesh Total | |
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 60-100 U.S. Mesh | F/1170/50 |
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 60-100 U.S. Mesh Total | |
Fluorescein sodium, pure, C.I. 45350 | F/1300/48 |
F/1300/53 | |
Fluorescein sodium, pure, C.I. 45350 Total | |
Fluorescein, pure, C.I. 45350 | F/1200/46 |
F/1200/48 | |
Fluorescein, pure, C.I. 45350 Total | |
Fluoride standard solution 1000 ppm, Ion pair chromatography, 1 mg/ml | J/4548/05 |
J/4548/08 | |
Fluoride standard solution 1000 ppm, Ion pair chromatography, 1 mg/ml Total | |
Fluoroboric acid, technical, 50% solution | F/1350/08 |
Fluoroboric acid, technical, 50% solution Total | |
Fluorosilicic acid, 35%, technical | F/1400/08 |
Fluorosilicic acid, 35%, technical Total | |
Folin & Ciocalteu's phenol reagent, pure | J/4100/08 |
Folin & Ciocalteu's phenol reagent, pure Total | |
Formaldehyde solution saline, phosphate buffered pH 7,3, pure | F/1515/25 |
Formaldehyde solution saline, phosphate buffered pH 7,3, pure Total | |
Formaldehyde, extra pure, solution 37-41%, SLR | F/1501/25 |
F/1501/PB08 | |
F/1501/PB15 | |
F/1501/PB17 | |
Formaldehyde, extra pure, solution 37-41%, SLR Total | |
Formaldehyde, pure, solution, 10% v/v in 0.9% sodium chloride solution | F/1510/21 |
Formaldehyde, pure, solution, 10% v/v in 0.9% sodium chloride solution Total | |
Formaldehyde, solution, phosphate buffered | F/1520/21 |
F/1520/25 | |
Formaldehyde, solution, phosphate buffered Total | |
Formaldehyde, technical, solution, stabilized in methanol | F/1451/25 |
F/1451/PB17 | |
Formaldehyde, technical, solution, stabilized in methanol Total | |
Formamide, extra pure, SLR | F/1550/PB08 |
F/1550/PB17 | |
Formamide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Formamide, for analysis | F/1551/25 |
F/1551/27 | |
F/1551/PB08 | |
F/1551/PB17 | |
Formamide, for analysis Total | |
Formamide, for electrophoresis | F/P565/PB05 |
F/P565/PB08 | |
Formamide, for electrophoresis Total | |
Formic acid, 90%, extra pure, SLR | F/1800/27 |
F/1800/PB08 | |
F/1800/PB17 | |
Formic acid, 90%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Formic acid, 90%, for analysis | F/1820/PB08 |
F/1820/PB17 | |
Formic acid, 90%, for analysis Total | |
Formic acid, 98-100%, extra pure, SLR | F/1850/27 |
F/1850/PB08 | |
F/1850/PB17 | |
Formic acid, 98-100%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Formic acid, 98-100%, for analysis | F/1900/25 |
F/1900/PB08 | |
F/1900/PB15 | |
F/1900/PB17 | |
Formic acid, 98-100%, for analysis Total | |
Formic acid, 99.5+%, Optima® LC/MS grade | A117-05AMP |
A117-10X1AMP | |
A117-1AMP | |
A117-2AMP | |
A117-50 | |
Formic acid, 99.5+%, Optima® LC/MS grade Total | |
Formic acid, for HPLC, buffer solution 0.25M | J/4200/PB08 |
Formic acid, for HPLC, buffer solution 0.25M Total | |
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrile | FE/1100/17 |
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrile Total | |
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in methanol | FE/1300/17 |
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in methanol Total | |
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in water | FE/1200/17 |
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in water Total | |
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrile | LS120-1 |
LS120-212 | |
LS120-4 | |
LS120-500 | |
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrile Total | |
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in water | LS118-1 |
LS118-212 | |
LS118-4 | |
LS118-500 | |
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in water Total | |
Formic acid, pure, about 85% | F/1750/25 |
F/1750/PB15 | |
F/1750/PB17 | |
Formic acid, pure, about 85% Total | |
Fuchsin basic | F/P770/46 |
Fuchsin basic Total | |
Full range indicator, pH range 1-13, for pH measurement | U/0025/PB05 |
U/0025/PB08 | |
Full range indicator, pH range 1-13, for pH measurement Total | |
Fumaric acid, extra pure, SLR | F/2070/53 |
Fumaric acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Furfuraldehyde, technical, plastic coated container | F/2080/PB17 |
Furfuraldehyde, technical, plastic coated container Total | |
Fusion mixture, for analysis | F/2250/53 |
F/2250/60 | |
Fusion mixture, for analysis Total | |
Gelatine, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph., granular powder | G/0150/50 |
G/0150/53 | |
Gelatine, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph., granular powder Total | |
Gibberellic acid, technical | G/0200/43 |
Gibberellic acid, technical Total | |
Giemsa stain, pure, certified | G/0275/46 |
Giemsa stain, pure, certified Total | |
Glass balls, pure, 3.7-4.1 mm, undrilled | G/0300/50 |
G/0300/53 | |
Glass balls, pure, 3.7-4.1 mm, undrilled Total | |
Glucose-1-phosphoric acid, dipotassium salt dihydrate | G/0505/55 |
Glucose-1-phosphoric acid, dipotassium salt dihydrate Total | |
Glutaraldehyde, extra pure, 50% solution, SLR | G/0518/PB08 |
Glutaraldehyde, extra pure, 50% solution, SLR Total | |
Glycerol, 98+%, extra pure, SLR | G/0600/08 |
G/0600/17 | |
G/0600/25 | |
Glycerol, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Glycerol, 99+%, for analysis | G/0650/08 |
G/0650/15 | |
G/0650/17 | |
G/0650/21 | |
G/0650/25 | |
G/0650/27 | |
Glycerol, 99+%, for analysis Total | |
Glycerol, for electrophoresis | G/P450/05 |
G/P450/08 | |
Glycerol, for electrophoresis Total | |
Glycine, Buffer component for electrophoresis and blotting | G/P460/53 |
Glycine, Buffer component for electrophoresis and blotting Total | |
Glycine, for analysis | G/0800/48 |
G/0800/50 | |
G/0800/60 | |
Glycine, for analysis Total | |
Glycolic acid, extra pure, SLR | G/0803/48 |
Glycolic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Gold metal leaves | G/0850/90 |
Gold metal leaves Total | |
Gold solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8028/08 |
Gold solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Gram's iodine, technical, SLR | G/0910/07 |
Gram's iodine, technical, SLR Total | |
Graphite, pure, powder | G/0900/60 |
Graphite, pure, powder Total | |
Guaiacol, SLR | G/0950/48 |
Guaiacol, SLR Total | |
Guanidine thiocyanate, A strong protein denaturant | G/P771/48 |
Guanidine thiocyanate, A strong protein denaturant Total | |
Gum acacia, technical, powder, (Gum arabic) | G/1050/53 |
Gum acacia, technical, powder, (Gum arabic) Total | |
Gum tragacanth, technical, powder | G/1100/48 |
Gum tragacanth, technical, powder Total | |
Haematoxylin, pure | H/0010/46 |
Haematoxylin, pure Total | |
Heat sensitive liquid, technical, contains methylated spirit and cobalt chloride | H/0050/PB15 |
Heat sensitive liquid, technical, contains methylated spirit and cobalt chloride Total | |
Heptan-1-ol, 98+% | H/0250/05 |
Heptan-1-ol, 98+% Total | |
Heptane, extra pure, fraction, SLR | H/0100/08 |
H/0100/15 | |
H/0100/17 | |
H/0100/27 | |
Heptane, extra pure, fraction, SLR Total | |
Heptane, for HPLC, approx. 99% n-Heptane | H/0106/15 |
H/0106/17 | |
H/0106/PB17 | |
Heptane, for HPLC, approx. 99% n-Heptane Total | |
Heptane, For peptide sequencing, (approx 99% n-Heptane) | H/0110/17 |
Heptane, For peptide sequencing, (approx 99% n-Heptane) Total | |
Heptane, HPLC for fluorescence detection, approx. 99% n-Heptane | H/0107/15 |
H/0107/17 | |
Heptane, HPLC for fluorescence detection, approx. 99% n-Heptane Total | |
Hex-1-ene, extra pure, SLR | H/0460/05 |
Hex-1-ene, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid hydrate, extra pure, SLR | H/0262/43 |
H/0262/44 | |
Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid hydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Hexadecane, extra pure, SLR | H/0270/05 |
Hexadecane, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Hexamine, extra pure, SLR | H/0300/53 |
H/0300/60 | |
H/0300/65 | |
H/0300/70 | |
Hexamine, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Hexamine, for analysis | H/0320/53 |
H/0320/60 | |
H/0320/65 | |
Hexamine, for analysis Total | |
Hexan-1-ol, extra pure, SLR | H/0450/25 |
H/0450/27 | |
H/0450/PB08 | |
H/0450/PB17 | |
Hexan-1-ol, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Hexane fraction, specified reagent for general lab. work (SLR) | H/0350/08 |
H/0350/15 | |
H/0350/17 | |
H/0350/21 | |
H/0350/25 | |
H/0350/27 | |
H/0350/FP21 | |
H/0350/PB17 | |
Hexane fraction, specified reagent for general lab. work (SLR) Total | |
Hexanes, certified ACS (various methylpentane 4.2%) | H292-1 |
H292-4 | |
Hexanes, certified ACS (various methylpentane 4.2%) Total | |
Hexanes, Extra Dry, for synthesis, 95% n-Hexane approx | H/0402/PB15 |
H/0402/PB17 | |
Hexanes, Extra Dry, for synthesis, 95% n-Hexane approx Total | |
Hexanes, extra pure, fraction, low in aromatic hydrocarbons, SLR | H/0400/08 |
H/0400/17 | |
Hexanes, extra pure, fraction, low in aromatic hydrocarbons, SLR Total | |
Hexanes, for analysis, 95% n-Hexane approx | H/0355/15 |
H/0355/17 | |
H/0355/21 | |
H/0355/25 | |
H/0355/27 | |
Hexanes, for analysis, 95% n-Hexane approx Total | |
Hexanes, for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane approx. | H/0406/15 |
H/0406/17 | |
H/0406/21 | |
H/0406/PB17 | |
Hexanes, for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane approx. Total | |
Hexanes, for residue analysis, Distol, 95% n-Hexane approx. | H/0403/15 |
H/0403/17 |