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Đơn vị cung cấp: Công Ty Nguyên Dương
Điện Thoại: 0983 371 451 Mr Quốc
Hóa chất phân tích Fisher Acros cho phòng Labs
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- Trung tâm phân tích: Eurofin, Quatest, Intertek Viện vệ sinh an toan thực phẩm, Viện hóa học,…
- Công ty thực phẩm: Pepsico, Bia sài gòn, Tân Hiệp Phát, TH True milk…
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- Các công ty dược: Domesco, Glomed, Bidiphar,…
- Nhiều công ty khác…

Hóa chất phân tích cho phòng thí nghiệm được nhập khẩu từ nhiều nước: Sigma-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Fisher Acros-Mỹ, Panreac-Tây Ban Nha, Ấn Độ….và hiện đang được sử dụng rất nhiều trong khắp các tỉnh, thành trong cả nước tùy theo nhu cầu của người sử dụng.

Biết được nhu cầu đó. Công Ty TNHH Công Nghệ Hóa Chất Nguyên Dương luôn là đơn vị đáng tin cậy và thường xuyên cung cấp Hóa chất phân tích Fisher Acros cho phòng thí nghiệm.

Với phương châm đề ra: “Phục vụ tốt và nhanh chóng đáp ứng nhu cầu của khách hàng” công ty chúng tôi cam kết sẽ hỗ trợ và tư vấn nhiệt tình để quý vị hài lòng về sản phẩm và dịch vụ.

Nếu quý khách đang có nhu cầu tìm kiếm Hóa chất phân tích Fisher Acros cho phòng thí nghiệm xin liên hệ với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp giá cả và dịch vụ tốt nhất.

Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ Nguyên Dương
Địa chỉ email:
Số điện thoại: 0983 371 451
Mr. Quốc

di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BPS/4520/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, extra pure, SLRS/4440/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, for analysisS/4450/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, for analysis Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, CertifiedS/4460/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, Certified Total
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLRS/4360/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysisS/4400/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysis Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for electrophoresis, dibasic, anhydrousS/P525/53
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for electrophoresis, dibasic, anhydrous Total 
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for HPLC, 0.25M solutionJ/7650/PB08
di-Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate, for HPLC, 0.25M solution Total 
di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous, 99+%, extra pureS/6980/60
di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous, 99+%, extra pure Total 
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, 99+%, extra pure, SLRS/7000/60
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph.S/7010/60
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph. Total 
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, for analysisS/7040/50
di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, for analysis Total 
Dithio-oxamide, pureD/5150/46
Dithio-oxamide, pure Total 
Dithiothreitol Total 
DL-Alanine, technicalA/1160/48
DL-Alanine, technical Total 
DL-Camphor, extra pure, SLR, syntheticC/2560/50
DL-Camphor, extra pure, SLR, synthetic Total 
DL-Malic acid, extra pure, SLRM/1350/53
DL-Malic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
DL-Phenylalanine, 98.5+%, extra pureP/2461/48
DL-Phenylalanine, 98.5+%, extra pure Total 
dodeca-Molybdophosphoric acid, pureM/5650/48
dodeca-Molybdophosphoric acid, pure Total 
Dodeca-Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate, for analysisT/3902/48
Dodeca-Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate, for analysis Total 
Dodeca-Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, extra pure, SLRT/3940/48
Dodeca-Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, Ion pair chromatographyD/5311/46
Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, Ion pair chromatography Total 
DPX mounting medium, For microscopyD/5319/05
DPX mounting medium, For microscopy Total 
Eriochrome black T, pure, C.I. 14645, Metal indicatorE/0100/46
Eriochrome black T, pure, C.I. 14645, Metal indicator Total 
Eriochrome blue-black R, pure, C.I. 15705, Metal indicatorE/0200/46
Eriochrome blue-black R, pure, C.I. 15705, Metal indicator Total 
Eriochrome cyanine R, pure, C.I. 43820, Metal indicatorE/0250/46
Eriochrome cyanine R, pure, C.I. 43820, Metal indicator Total 
Eschka's mixture, for analysisE/0300/53
Eschka's mixture, for analysis Total 
Ethanediol, extra pure, SLRE/0350/15
Ethanediol, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethanediol, for analysisE/0352/08
Ethanediol, for analysis Total 
Ethanol, 95%, for analysisE/0550DF/15
Ethanol, 95%, for analysis Total 
Ethanol, 96%, extra pure, SLRE/0551DF/17
Ethanol, 96%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethanol, 99.8+%, for analysis, absoluteE/0650DF/08
Ethanol, 99.8+%, for analysis, absolute Total 
Ethanol, absolute, Primar for trace elementalE/0655DF/17
Ethanol, absolute, Primar for trace elemental Total 
Ethanol, extra pure, absolute, SLRE/0600DF/15
Ethanol, extra pure, absolute, SLR Total 
Ethanol, extra pure, SLR, 95% v/vE/0500DF/08
Ethanol, extra pure, SLR, 95% v/v Total 
Ethanol, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP, 96% v/vE/0555DF/17
Ethanol, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP, 96% v/v Total 
Ethanol, for HPLC, absolute, duty freeE/0665DF/15
Ethanol, for HPLC, absolute, duty free Total 
Ethanolamine, extra pure, SLRE/0700/08
Ethanolamine, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethanolamine, for analysisE/0701/08
Ethanolamine, for analysis Total 
Ethidium® bromide solution, for electrophoresisE/P800/03
Ethidium® bromide solution, for electrophoresis Total 
Ethidium® bromide, for electrophoresisE/P700/44
Ethidium® bromide, for electrophoresis Total 
Ethyl acetate, extra pure, SLRE/0850/08
Ethyl acetate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethyl acetate, for analysisE/0900/15
Ethyl acetate, for analysis Total 
Ethyl acetate, for HPLCE/0906/15
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC Total 
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC, dried, with water content <100ppmE/0907/17
Ethyl acetate, for HPLC, dried, with water content <100ppm Total 
Ethyl acetate, For peptide sequencingE/0908/17
Ethyl acetate, For peptide sequencing Total 
Ethyl acetate, for residue analysis, DistolE/0903/15
Ethyl acetate, for residue analysis, Distol Total 
Ethyl acetoacetate, extra pure, SLRE/0950/08
Ethyl acetoacetate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethyl cinnamate, technicalE/1250/04
Ethyl cinnamate, technical Total 
Ethyl digol, pureE/1300/17
Ethyl digol, pure Total 
Ethyl lactate, 98+%, extra pure, SLRE/1400/17
Ethyl lactate, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethyl methyl ketone, extra pure, SLRE/1450/08
Ethyl methyl ketone, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethyl methyl ketone, for analysisE/1455/15
Ethyl methyl ketone, for analysis Total 
Ethyl oleate, pure, for saponificationE/1460/08
Ethyl oleate, pure, for saponification Total 
Ethylamine, pure, solution in water 70% w/wE/1000/08
Ethylamine, pure, solution in water 70% w/w Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid diammonium salt, extra pure, SLRD/0500/48
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid diammonium salt, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt, extra pure, SLRD/0600/53
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid trisodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N (0.1M) solutionJ/3700C/05
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid trisodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N (0.1M) solution Total
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, extra pure, SLRD/0650/48
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for analysisD/0700/48
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for analysis Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for electrophoresisE/P140/48
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, for electrophoresis Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, HPLC for electrochemical detection, 0.2N solution, CertifiedJ/3710/17
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, HPLC for electrochemical detection, 0.2N solution, Certified Total
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.02N solutionJ/3720/17
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.02N solution Total
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N solutionJ/3700/15
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, disodium salt, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, 0.2N solution Total
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, extra pure, SLRD/0450/50
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, for analysisD/0452/48
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, for analysis Total 
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt tetrahydrate, extra pure, SLRD/0750/50
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt tetrahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Fast Green FCF, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 42053F/P025/46
Fast Green FCF, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 42053 Total 
Fehling's solution No. 1, to B.P. 1988J/3800/15
Fehling's solution No. 1, to B.P. 1988 Total 
Fehling's solution No. 1, to Lane and Eynon modificationJ/3910/17
Fehling's solution No. 1, to Lane and Eynon modification Total 
Fehling's solution No. 2, contains sodium hydroxide to B.P. 1988J/3900/15
Fehling's solution No. 2, contains sodium hydroxide to B.P. 1988 Total 
Fehling's solution No. 2, to Lane and Eynon modificationJ/3920/17
Fehling's solution No. 2, to Lane and Eynon modification Total 
Ficodox® Plus, pure, mixed COD reagentJ/4010/15
Ficodox® Plus, pure, mixed COD reagent Total 
Ficodox®, pure, mixed COD reagentJ/4000/PB17
Ficodox®, pure, mixed COD reagent Total 
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 100-200 U.S. MeshF/1173/50
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 100-200 U.S. Mesh Total 
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 60-100 U.S. MeshF/1170/50
Florisil®, For chromatography, about 60-100 U.S. Mesh Total 
Fluorescein sodium, pure, C.I. 45350F/1300/48
Fluorescein sodium, pure, C.I. 45350 Total 
Fluorescein, pure, C.I. 45350F/1200/46
Fluorescein, pure, C.I. 45350 Total 
Fluoride standard solution 1000 ppm, Ion pair chromatography, 1 mg/mlJ/4548/05
Fluoride standard solution 1000 ppm, Ion pair chromatography, 1 mg/ml Total 
Fluoroboric acid, technical, 50% solutionF/1350/08
Fluoroboric acid, technical, 50% solution Total 
Fluorosilicic acid, 35%, technicalF/1400/08
Fluorosilicic acid, 35%, technical Total 
Folin & Ciocalteu's phenol reagent, pureJ/4100/08
Folin & Ciocalteu's phenol reagent, pure Total 
Formaldehyde solution saline, phosphate buffered pH 7,3, pureF/1515/25
Formaldehyde solution saline, phosphate buffered pH 7,3, pure Total 
Formaldehyde, extra pure, solution 37-41%, SLRF/1501/25
Formaldehyde, extra pure, solution 37-41%, SLR Total 
Formaldehyde, pure, solution, 10% v/v in 0.9% sodium chloride solutionF/1510/21
Formaldehyde, pure, solution, 10% v/v in 0.9% sodium chloride solution Total 
Formaldehyde, solution, phosphate bufferedF/1520/21
Formaldehyde, solution, phosphate buffered Total 
Formaldehyde, technical, solution, stabilized in methanolF/1451/25
Formaldehyde, technical, solution, stabilized in methanol Total 
Formamide, extra pure, SLRF/1550/PB08
Formamide, extra pure, SLR Total 
Formamide, for analysisF/1551/25
Formamide, for analysis Total 
Formamide, for electrophoresisF/P565/PB05
Formamide, for electrophoresis Total 
Formic acid, 90%, extra pure, SLRF/1800/27
Formic acid, 90%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Formic acid, 90%, for analysisF/1820/PB08
Formic acid, 90%, for analysis Total 
Formic acid, 98-100%, extra pure, SLRF/1850/27
Formic acid, 98-100%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Formic acid, 98-100%, for analysisF/1900/25
Formic acid, 98-100%, for analysis Total 
Formic acid, 99.5+%, Optima® LC/MS gradeA117-05AMP
Formic acid, 99.5+%, Optima® LC/MS grade Total 
Formic acid, for HPLC, buffer solution 0.25MJ/4200/PB08
Formic acid, for HPLC, buffer solution 0.25M Total 
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrileFE/1100/17
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrile Total 
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in methanolFE/1300/17
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in methanol Total 
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in waterFE/1200/17
Formic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in water Total 
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrileLS120-1
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrile Total 
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in waterLS118-1
Formic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in water Total 
Formic acid, pure, about 85%F/1750/25
Formic acid, pure, about 85% Total 
Fuchsin basicF/P770/46
Fuchsin basic Total 
Full range indicator, pH range 1-13, for pH measurementU/0025/PB05
Full range indicator, pH range 1-13, for pH measurement Total 
Fumaric acid, extra pure, SLRF/2070/53
Fumaric acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Furfuraldehyde, technical, plastic coated containerF/2080/PB17
Furfuraldehyde, technical, plastic coated container Total 
Fusion mixture, for analysisF/2250/53
Fusion mixture, for analysis Total 
Gelatine, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph., granular powderG/0150/50
Gelatine, extra pure, SLR, Eur. Ph., granular powder Total 
Gibberellic acid, technicalG/0200/43
Gibberellic acid, technical Total 
Giemsa stain, pure, certifiedG/0275/46
Giemsa stain, pure, certified Total 
Glass balls, pure, 3.7-4.1 mm, undrilledG/0300/50
Glass balls, pure, 3.7-4.1 mm, undrilled Total 
Glucose-1-phosphoric acid, dipotassium salt dihydrateG/0505/55
Glucose-1-phosphoric acid, dipotassium salt dihydrate Total 
Glutaraldehyde, extra pure, 50% solution, SLRG/0518/PB08
Glutaraldehyde, extra pure, 50% solution, SLR Total 
Glycerol, 98+%, extra pure, SLRG/0600/08
Glycerol, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Glycerol, 99+%, for analysisG/0650/08
Glycerol, 99+%, for analysis Total 
Glycerol, for electrophoresisG/P450/05
Glycerol, for electrophoresis Total 
Glycine, Buffer component for electrophoresis and blottingG/P460/53
Glycine, Buffer component for electrophoresis and blotting Total 
Glycine, for analysisG/0800/48
Glycine, for analysis Total 
Glycolic acid, extra pure, SLRG/0803/48
Glycolic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Gold metal leavesG/0850/90
Gold metal leaves Total 
Gold solution 1000 ppm, for AASJ/8028/08
Gold solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total 
Gram's iodine, technical, SLRG/0910/07
Gram's iodine, technical, SLR Total 
Graphite, pure, powderG/0900/60
Graphite, pure, powder Total 
Guaiacol, SLRG/0950/48
Guaiacol, SLR Total 
Guanidine thiocyanate, A strong protein denaturantG/P771/48
Guanidine thiocyanate, A strong protein denaturant Total 
Gum acacia, technical, powder, (Gum arabic)G/1050/53
Gum acacia, technical, powder, (Gum arabic) Total 
Gum tragacanth, technical, powderG/1100/48
Gum tragacanth, technical, powder Total 
Haematoxylin, pureH/0010/46
Haematoxylin, pure Total 
Heat sensitive liquid, technical, contains methylated spirit and cobalt chlorideH/0050/PB15
Heat sensitive liquid, technical, contains methylated spirit and cobalt chloride Total 
Heptan-1-ol, 98+%H/0250/05
Heptan-1-ol, 98+% Total 
Heptane, extra pure, fraction, SLRH/0100/08
Heptane, extra pure, fraction, SLR Total 
Heptane, for HPLC, approx. 99% n-HeptaneH/0106/15
Heptane, for HPLC, approx. 99% n-Heptane Total 
Heptane, For peptide sequencing, (approx 99% n-Heptane)H/0110/17
Heptane, For peptide sequencing, (approx 99% n-Heptane) Total 
Heptane, HPLC for fluorescence detection, approx. 99% n-HeptaneH/0107/15
Heptane, HPLC for fluorescence detection, approx. 99% n-Heptane Total 
Hex-1-ene, extra pure, SLRH/0460/05
Hex-1-ene, extra pure, SLR Total 
Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid hydrate, extra pure, SLRH/0262/43
Hexachloroplatinic(IV) acid hydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Hexadecane, extra pure, SLRH/0270/05
Hexadecane, extra pure, SLR Total 
Hexamine, extra pure, SLRH/0300/53
Hexamine, extra pure, SLR Total 
Hexamine, for analysisH/0320/53
Hexamine, for analysis Total 
Hexan-1-ol, extra pure, SLRH/0450/25
Hexan-1-ol, extra pure, SLR Total 
Hexane fraction, specified reagent for general lab. work (SLR)H/0350/08
Hexane fraction, specified reagent for general lab. work (SLR) Total 
Hexanes, certified ACS (various methylpentane 4.2%)H292-1
Hexanes, certified ACS (various methylpentane 4.2%) Total 
Hexanes, Extra Dry, for synthesis, 95% n-Hexane approxH/0402/PB15
Hexanes, Extra Dry, for synthesis, 95% n-Hexane approx Total 
Hexanes, extra pure, fraction, low in aromatic hydrocarbons, SLRH/0400/08
Hexanes, extra pure, fraction, low in aromatic hydrocarbons, SLR Total 
Hexanes, for analysis, 95% n-Hexane approxH/0355/15
Hexanes, for analysis, 95% n-Hexane approx Total 
Hexanes, for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane approx.H/0406/15
Hexanes, for HPLC, 95% n-Hexane approx. Total 
Hexanes, for residue analysis, Distol, 95% n-Hexane approx.H/0403/15

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