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Chuyên kinh doanh các loại hóa chất tinh khiết, vật tư tiêu hao, thiết bị phòng labs của các hãng: Sigma-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Scharlau, Duksan, Xilong, ....


Fisher Acros chemical for Labs

Fisher Acros chemical for Labs 
Đơn vị: công ty Nguyên Dương
Điện Thoại: 0983 371 451 Mr Quốc
Fisher Acros chemical for Labs Analysis

Fisher Acros chemical là một sản phẩm quan trọng trong các đề nghị về phân tích chỉ tiêu vi sinh.
Ngày nay, các đối tượng khách hàng thường phân tích bao gồm:
- Trung tâm phân tích: Eurofin, Quatest, Hoàn vũ Trung tâm sinh học, Viện dịch tễ,…
- Công ty thực phẩm: Coca Cola, Bia Sabeco, Tân Hiệp Phát, Vinamilk…
- Bệnh viện: Gia định, Ung bướu, 175…
- Công ty Thủy sản: Vinamilk, Anova feed,….
- Các công ty dược: Sanofi, Glomed, Bidiphar,…
- Nhiều công ty khác…

Chemical for Labs được nhập khẩu từ nhiều nước: BD-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Scharlau-Tây Ban Nha, Ấn Độ….và hiện đang được phân phối rất nhiều trong khắp các tỉnh, thành trong cả nước tùy theo nhu cầu của người sử dụng.

Hiểu được nhu cầu đó. Công Ty TNHH Công Nghệ Hóa Chất Nguyên Dương luôn là đơn vị đáng tin cậy và thường xuyên cung cấp sản phẩm Chemical for Labs này.

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Nếu quý khách đang có nhu cầu tìm kiếm Chemical for Labs xin liên hệ với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp giá cả và dịch vụ tốt nhất.

Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại Dịch Vụ Công Nghệ Nguyên Dương
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Số điện thoại: 0983 371 451
Mr. Quốc

Tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tetrachloroethylene, extra pure, SLRT/0600/17
Tetrachloroethylene, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tetrachloroethylene, for analysisT/0601/17
Tetrachloroethylene, for analysis Total 
Tetrachloroethylene, technicalT/0550/17
Tetrachloroethylene, technical Total 
Tetrachloroethylene, UV spectroscopyT/0605/PB17
Tetrachloroethylene, UV spectroscopy Total 
Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFiedT/0611/46
Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFied Total 
Tetraethylammonium bromide, 98+%, extra pure, SLRT/0620/48
Tetraethylammonium bromide, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tetraethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFiedT/0621/46
Tetraethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFied Total 
Tetrahydrofuran, Extra Dry, for synthesis, unstabilizedT/0702/25RSS
Tetrahydrofuran, Extra Dry, for synthesis, unstabilized Total 
Tetrahydrofuran, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.025% BHTT/0700/08
Tetrahydrofuran, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.025% BHT Total 
Tetrahydrofuran, for analysis, stabilized with 0.025% BHTT/0701/15
Tetrahydrofuran, for analysis, stabilized with 0.025% BHT Total 
Tetrahydrofuran, for HPLC, unstabilizedT/0706/PB15
Tetrahydrofuran, for HPLC, unstabilized Total 
Tetrahydrofuran, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), stabilized with 0.025% BHTT/0709/PB17
Tetrahydrofuran, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), stabilized with 0.025% BHT Total 
Tetrahydronaphthalene, 97+%, extra pure, SLRT/0850/08
Tetrahydronaphthalene, 97+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tetramethyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate, for HPLC, CertifiedT/0935/44
Tetramethyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate, for HPLC, Certified Total 
Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, extra pure, solution 25% in water, SLRT/0940/04
Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, extra pure, solution 25% in water, SLR Total 
Tetramethylammonium chloride, for HPLC, CertiFiedT/0931/46
Tetramethylammonium chloride, for HPLC, CertiFied Total 
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide solution, 40%, extra pure, SLRT/0480/05
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide solution, 40%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, 0.1M solution, phosphate buffered, CertifiedT/0486/07
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, 0.1M solution, phosphate buffered, Certified Total 
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, solution 0.5M,CertifiedT/0481/07
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, solution 0.5M,Certified Total 
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.1 M, (0.1N) in toluene/methanolJ/8750/08
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.1 M, (0.1N) in toluene/methanol Total
Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide, 98+%, SLRT/0490/48
Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide, 98+%, SLR Total 
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, extra pure, SLRS/6120/60
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, for analysisS/6140/53
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, for analysis Total 
Thermit ignition powder, pureT/0978/50
Thermit ignition powder, pure Total 
Thermit powder, pureT/0977/53
Thermit powder, pure Total 
Thioacetamide, extra pure, SLRT/0980/46
Thioacetamide, extra pure, SLR Total 
Thioglycolic acid, extra pure, SLRT/1000/PB05
Thioglycolic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Thiourea, extra pure, SLRT/1150/50
Thiourea, extra pure, SLR Total 
Thymol blue, pure, 0.04% solution, indicator gradeT/1470L/08
Thymol blue, pure, 0.04% solution, indicator grade Total 
Thymol blue, pure, indicator gradeT/1470/44
Thymol blue, pure, indicator grade Total 
Thymol, extra pure, SLRT/1450/48
Thymol, extra pure, SLR Total 
Thymolphthalein, pure, solid, indicator gradeT/1480/44
Thymolphthalein, pure, solid, indicator grade Total 
Thymolphthalein, pure, solution 0.2%, indicator gradeT/1480L/08
Thymolphthalein, pure, solution 0.2%, indicator grade Total 
Thymolsulfonephthaleindi-(methyl-iminodiacetic acid) sodium salt, pureT/1500/43
Thymolsulfonephthaleindi-(methyl-iminodiacetic acid) sodium salt, pure Total 
Tin solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HClJ/8325/05
Tin solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HCl Total 
Tin solution 1000 ppm, for AASJ/8067/05
Tin solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total 
Tin solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HClJ/8326/08
Tin solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HCl Total 
Tin(II) chloride anhydrous, extra pure, SLRT/1645/48
Tin(II) chloride anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, SLRT/1652/48
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, for analysisT/1654/48
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, for analysis Total 
Tin(IV) chloride anhydrous, pureT/1665/PB05
Tin(IV) chloride anhydrous, pure Total 
Tin(IV) chloride pentahydrate, pureT/1661/48
Tin(IV) chloride pentahydrate, pure Total 
Tin(IV) oxide, pureT/1670/48
Tin(IV) oxide, pure Total 
Tin, 99.5+%, for analysis, metal, granulatedT/1640/50
Tin, 99.5+%, for analysis, metal, granulated Total 
Tin, technical, metal foil, 0.10 mmT/1560/48
Tin, technical, metal foil, 0.10 mm Total 
Tin, technical, metal powder, fineT/1650/48
Tin, technical, metal powder, fine Total 
Tin, technical, metal, granulatedT/1600/48
Tin, technical, metal, granulated Total 
TISAB solution, pureF/1325/21
TISAB solution, pure Total 
Titan yellow, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 19540T/2060/46
Titan yellow, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 19540 Total 
Titanium solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HClJ/8330/05
Titanium solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HCl Total 
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, for AASJ/8110/05
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total 
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HClJ/8331/08
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HCl Total 
Titanium(III) chloride, For amino acid analysisT/1958/PB08
Titanium(III) chloride, For amino acid analysis Total 
Titanium(III) chloride, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.2 M, (0.2N)J/8780/17
Titanium(III) chloride, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.2 M, (0.2N) Total 
Titanium(III) chloride, technical, solution 12.5 % w/w TiCl3T/1950/PB08
Titanium(III) chloride, technical, solution 12.5 % w/w TiCl3 Total 
Titanium(III) sulfate, technical, solution approx.15 % w/v Ti2(SO4)3T/2000/PB08
Titanium(III) sulfate, technical, solution approx.15 % w/v Ti2(SO4)3 Total 
Titanium(IV) dioxide, extra pure, SLRT/1900/53
Titanium(IV) dioxide, extra pure, SLR Total 
Titanium(IV) sulfate, technical, solution 15 % w/v approx.T/1800/PB15
Titanium(IV) sulfate, technical, solution 15 % w/v approx. Total 
Titanium, technical, metal, crushed sponge, SLRT/1840/48
Titanium, technical, metal, crushed sponge, SLR Total 
Toluene, 99.8+%, for residue analysis, DistolT/2323/15
Toluene, 99.8+%, for residue analysis, Distol Total 
Toluene, 99.9+%, for trace metal analysis, PrimarT/2301/17
Toluene, 99.9+%, for trace metal analysis, Primar Total 
Toluene, 99+%, extra pure, SLRT/2200/08
Toluene, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Toluene, Extra Dry, for synthesisT/2302/PB15
Toluene, Extra Dry, for synthesis Total 
Toluene, extra pure, SLR, low in sulfurT/2250/17
Toluene, extra pure, SLR, low in sulfur Total 
Toluene, for analysisT/2300/15
Toluene, for analysis Total 
Toluene, for HPLCT/2306/15
Toluene, for HPLC Total 
Toluene, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)T/2310/PB17
Toluene, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Total 
Toluene, technicalT/2150/17
Toluene, technical Total 
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid, extra pure, SLRT/2500/48
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Toluidine blue, pure, C.I. 52040T/2660/46
Toluidine blue, pure, C.I. 52040 Total 
Total hardness indicator tablets, pure, indicator gradeT/2750/79
Total hardness indicator tablets, pure, indicator grade Total 
tri-Ammonium citrate, extra pure, SLRA/4080/53
tri-Ammonium citrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
tri-Ammonium citrate, for analysisA/4082/50
tri-Ammonium citrate, for analysis Total 
tri-Calcium di-orthophosphate, pure, precipitatedC/1960/53
tri-Calcium di-orthophosphate, pure, precipitated Total 
Trichloroacetic acid, extra pure, SLRT/2950/50
Trichloroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Trichloroacetic acid, for analysisT/3000/50
Trichloroacetic acid, for analysis Total 
Trichloroacetic acid, for electrophoresisT/P500/50
Trichloroacetic acid, for electrophoresis Total 
Trichloroethylene, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.04% triethylamineT/3100/08
Trichloroethylene, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.04% triethylamine Total 
Trichloroethylene, for analysis, stabilizedT/3101/08
Trichloroethylene, for analysis, stabilized Total 
Trichloroethylene, technical, stabilizedT/3050/08
Trichloroethylene, technical, stabilized Total 
Triethanolamine, extra pure, SLRT/3150/08
Triethanolamine, extra pure, SLR Total 
Triethanolamine, for analysisT/3160/08
Triethanolamine, for analysis Total 
Triethylamine, extra pure, SLRT/3200/08
Triethylamine, extra pure, SLR Total 
Triethylamine, for analysisT/3201/15
Triethylamine, for analysis Total 
Triethylamine, for HPLCT/3203/07
Triethylamine, for HPLC Total 
Triethylene glycol, 95+%, extra pure, SLRT/3270/17
Triethylene glycol, 95+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.05% blended into acetonitrileFE/0250/17
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.05% blended into acetonitrile Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.1% in waterFE/0150/17
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.1% in water Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, 99+%, for HPLCT/3258/04
Trifluoroacetic acid, 99+%, for HPLC Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, extra pure, SLRT/3256/PB05
Trifluoroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, For DNA synthesis and protein sequencingT/3255/PB05
Trifluoroacetic acid, For DNA synthesis and protein sequencing Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, for HPLC, 1% solution, CertifiedJ/8800/PB08
Trifluoroacetic acid, for HPLC, 1% solution, Certified Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrileFE/0200/17
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrile Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in waterFE/0100/17
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in water Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS gradeA116-05AMP
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrileLS121-1
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrile Total 
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in waterLS119-1
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in water Total 
Trifluoroacetic anhydride, 99+%, extra pure, SLRT/3257/PB05
Trifluoroacetic anhydride, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Trimethylanilinium hydroxide, for gas chromatography, solution 0.1 MT/3510/10
Trimethylanilinium hydroxide, for gas chromatography, solution 0.1 M Total 
Tri-n-hexylamine, for HPLCT/3296/PB05
Tri-n-hexylamine, for HPLC Total 
Triphenyl phosphate, pureT/3650/53
Triphenyl phosphate, pure Total 
Triphenyl phosphine, pureT/3652/48
Triphenyl phosphine, pure Total 
tri-Potassium citrate, extra pure, SLRP/4440/53
tri-Potassium citrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
tri-Potassium citrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USPP/4442/53
tri-Potassium citrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP Total 
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, Biological bufferT/P630/48
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, Biological buffer Total 
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, 'Tris buffer', 99+%, extra pure, SLRT/3710/48
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, 'Tris buffer', 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamine hydrochloride, 'Tris-HCl', for biochemistryT/P631/48
Tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamine hydrochloride, 'Tris-HCl', for biochemistry Total 
Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer, for electrophoresis, (10x concentration)T/P050/15
Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer, for electrophoresis, (10x concentration) Total 
Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer, (10x concentration)T/P010/15
Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer, (10x concentration) Total 
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, extra pure, SLRS/3280/53
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USPS/3320/53
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP Total 
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for electrophoresisS/P500/53
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for electrophoresis Total 
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, CertiFiedS/3380/53
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, CertiFied Total 
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLRS/5760/50
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysisS/5761/53
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysis Total 
Triton Kaowool® epsilon ceramic fibre, pureT/3740/48
Triton Kaowool® epsilon ceramic fibre, pure Total 
Triton X-100® reduced, for biochemistryT/3753/44
Triton X-100® reduced, for biochemistry Total 
Triton X-100®, extra pure, SLRT/3751/08
Triton X-100®, extra pure, SLR Total 
Triton® X-114, pureT/3757/08
Triton® X-114, pure Total 
Trypsin, pure, from beef pancreasT/3760/48
Trypsin, pure, from beef pancreas Total 
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, for AASJ/8120/05
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total 
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 0.1M ammoniaJ/8336/08
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 0.1M ammonia Total 
Turpentine oil, extra pure, SLR, rectifiedT/4050/15
Turpentine oil, extra pure, SLR, rectified Total 
Turpentine substitute, extra pure, SLRT/4200/17
Turpentine substitute, extra pure, SLR Total 
Tween® 20, pureT/4206/60
Tween® 20, pure Total 
Tween® 40, pureT/4205/60
Tween® 40, pure Total 
Tween® 80, pureT/4203/60
Tween® 80, pure Total 
Universal indicator, pH range 4-10, for pH measurementU/0020/PB05
Universal indicator, pH range 4-10, for pH measurement Total 
Uracil, extra pure, SLRU/0030/46
Uracil, extra pure, SLR Total 
Urea, extra pure, SLRU/0450/53
Urea, extra pure, SLR Total 
Urea, for analysisU/0500/53
Urea, for analysis Total 
Urea, for biochemistry, specially pureU/P610/50
Urea, for biochemistry, specially pure Total 
Urease tabletsU/0650/78
Urease tablets Total 
Urease-active meal, pure, from Jack beansU/0655/46
Urease-active meal, pure, from Jack beans Total 
Vanadium pentoxide, pureV/0100/48
Vanadium pentoxide, pure Total 
Vanadium solution 1000 ppm, for AASJ/8150/05
Vanadium solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total 
Vanadyl sulfate hydrate, extra pure, SLRV/0105/48
Vanadyl sulfate hydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Vinyl alcohol, pure, polymerizedV/0200/53
Vinyl alcohol, pure, polymerized Total 
Water, for analysis, certified ARW/0100/21
Water, for analysis, certified AR Total 
Water, for HPLC-MSW/0112/15
Water, for HPLC-MS Total 
Water, for Karl Fischer analysis, solution in methanol( 1ml=5,0mg/H2O)J/9000/15
Water, for Karl Fischer analysis, solution in methanol( 1ml=5,0mg/H2O) Total 
Water, for UHPLC gradient grade analysisW/0120/PB15
Water, for UHPLC gradient grade analysis Total 
Water, for Ultra traces elemental analysis, Optima®W9-1
Water, for Ultra traces elemental analysis, Optima® Total 
Water, HPLC for electrochemical detectionW/0108/17
Water, HPLC for electrochemical detection Total 
Water, HPLC for fluorescence detectionW/0107/17
Water, HPLC for fluorescence detection Total 
Water, HPLC for gradient analysisW/0106/15
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis Total 
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis, Advanced HPLC grade for gradient analysisW/0110/PB15
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis, Advanced HPLC grade for gradient analysis Total 
Water, Optima® LC/MS gradeW6-1
Water, Optima® LC/MS grade Total 
Wax Ceresin, technical, whiteW/0300/50
Wax Ceresin, technical, white Total 
Wax lanette emulsifying, pureW/0320/53
Wax lanette emulsifying, pure Total 
Wax, pure, BeeswaxW/0200/50
Wax, pure, Beeswax Total 
Wax, pure, Beeswax, WhiteW/0150/53
Wax, pure, Beeswax, White Total 
Wax, pure, Carnauba, yellowW/0255/48
Wax, pure, Carnauba, yellow Total 
Wood's metal, pure, m.p. ca. 70°CW/0350/48
Wood's metal, pure, m.p. ca. 70°C Total 
Xylene, 98+%, for electronic useX/0255/17
Xylene, 98+%, for electronic use Total 
Xylene, extra pure, SLRX/0200/08
Xylene, extra pure, SLR Total 
Xylene, for analysisX/0250/15
Xylene, for analysis Total 
Xylene, technicalX/0100/17
Xylene, technical Total 
Yeast extract powder, pureY/0200/48
Yeast extract powder, pure Total 
Zinc acetate dihydrate, extra pure, SLRZ/0650/53
Zinc acetate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Zinc acetate dihydrate, for analysisZ/0700/50
Zinc acetate dihydrate, for analysis Total 
Zinc bromide, extra pure, SLRZ/0750/48
Zinc bromide, extra pure, SLR Total 
Zinc carbonate, pure, basicZ/0800/53
Zinc carbonate, pure, basic Total 
Zinc chloride, extra pure, SLRZ/0850/53
Zinc chloride, extra pure, SLR Total 
Zinc chloride, for analysisZ/0870/53
Zinc chloride, for analysis Total 
Zinc iodide, extra pure, SLRZ/1100/48
Zinc iodide, extra pure, SLR Total 
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, SLRZ/1150/50
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, technicalZ/1145/50
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, technical Total 
Zinc oxide, extra pure, SLR, Eur.Ph.,BP, USPZ/1300/53
Zinc oxide, extra pure, SLR, Eur.Ph.,BP, USP Total 
Zinc oxide, for analysisZ/1350/53
Zinc oxide, for analysis Total 
Zinc solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acidJ/8340/05
Zinc solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total 
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, for AASJ/8070/05
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total 
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acidJ/8341/08
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total 
Zinc stearate, technicalZ/1400/53
Zinc stearate, technical Total 
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure, SLRZ/1550/53
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total 
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, for analysis, 99.5-100.5%Z/1600/53
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, for analysis, 99.5-100.5% Total 
Zinc sulfate, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.05MJ/8490C/05
Zinc sulfate, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.05M Total 
Zinc sulfide, pureZ/1700/53
Zinc sulfide, pure Total 
Zinc, extra pure, SLR, granulated (metal), activated with copperZ/0400/53
Zinc, extra pure, SLR, granulated (metal), activated with copper Total 
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