Địa chỉ: 119/7 Đường TX43, Khu Phố 3, Phường Thạnh Xuân, Quận 12, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.
Chuyên kinh doanh các loại hóa chất tinh khiết, vật tư tiêu hao, thiết bị phòng labs của các hãng: Sigma-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Scharlau, Duksan, Xilong, ....
Tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tetrachloroethylene, extra pure, SLR | T/0600/17 |
T/0600/21 | |
T/0600/25 | |
T/0600/PB17 | |
Tetrachloroethylene, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tetrachloroethylene, for analysis | T/0601/17 |
T/0601/25 | |
T/0601/PB17 | |
Tetrachloroethylene, for analysis Total | |
Tetrachloroethylene, technical | T/0550/17 |
T/0550/25 | |
T/0550/PB17 | |
Tetrachloroethylene, technical Total | |
Tetrachloroethylene, UV spectroscopy | T/0605/PB17 |
Tetrachloroethylene, UV spectroscopy Total | |
Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFied | T/0611/46 |
Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFied Total | |
Tetraethylammonium bromide, 98+%, extra pure, SLR | T/0620/48 |
Tetraethylammonium bromide, 98+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tetraethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFied | T/0621/46 |
Tetraethylammonium bromide, for HPLC, CertiFied Total | |
Tetrahydrofuran, Extra Dry, for synthesis, unstabilized | T/0702/25RSS |
T/0702/PB15 | |
T/0702/PB17 | |
Tetrahydrofuran, Extra Dry, for synthesis, unstabilized Total | |
Tetrahydrofuran, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.025% BHT | T/0700/08 |
T/0700/17 | |
T/0700/21 | |
T/0700/25 | |
T/0700/27 | |
T/0700/PB17 | |
T/0700/PC21 | |
Tetrahydrofuran, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.025% BHT Total | |
Tetrahydrofuran, for analysis, stabilized with 0.025% BHT | T/0701/15 |
T/0701/17 | |
T/0701/21 | |
T/0701/25 | |
T/0701/PB15 | |
T/0701/PB17 | |
Tetrahydrofuran, for analysis, stabilized with 0.025% BHT Total | |
Tetrahydrofuran, for HPLC, unstabilized | T/0706/PB15 |
T/0706/PB17 | |
Tetrahydrofuran, for HPLC, unstabilized Total | |
Tetrahydrofuran, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), stabilized with 0.025% BHT | T/0709/PB17 |
Tetrahydrofuran, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), stabilized with 0.025% BHT Total | |
Tetrahydronaphthalene, 97+%, extra pure, SLR | T/0850/08 |
Tetrahydronaphthalene, 97+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tetramethyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate, for HPLC, Certified | T/0935/44 |
Tetramethyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate, for HPLC, Certified Total | |
Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, extra pure, solution 25% in water, SLR | T/0940/04 |
T/0940/05 | |
Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, extra pure, solution 25% in water, SLR Total | |
Tetramethylammonium chloride, for HPLC, CertiFied | T/0931/46 |
Tetramethylammonium chloride, for HPLC, CertiFied Total | |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide solution, 40%, extra pure, SLR | T/0480/05 |
T/0480/07 | |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide solution, 40%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, 0.1M solution, phosphate buffered, Certified | T/0486/07 |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, 0.1M solution, phosphate buffered, Certified Total | |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, solution 0.5M,Certified | T/0481/07 |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, for HPLC, solution 0.5M,Certified Total | |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.1 M, (0.1N) in toluene/methanol | J/8750/08 |
J/8750/15 | |
J/8750/17 | |
J/8750/24 | |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium hydroxide, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.1 M, (0.1N) in toluene/methanol Total | |
Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide, 98+%, SLR | T/0490/48 |
Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide, 98+%, SLR Total | |
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR | S/6120/60 |
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, for analysis | S/6140/53 |
tetra-Sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, for analysis Total | |
Thermit ignition powder, pure | T/0978/50 |
Thermit ignition powder, pure Total | |
Thermit powder, pure | T/0977/53 |
Thermit powder, pure Total | |
Thioacetamide, extra pure, SLR | T/0980/46 |
Thioacetamide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Thioglycolic acid, extra pure, SLR | T/1000/PB05 |
T/1000/PB07 | |
T/1000/PB17 | |
Thioglycolic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Thiourea, extra pure, SLR | T/1150/50 |
T/1150/53 | |
T/1150/68 | |
Thiourea, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Thymol blue, pure, 0.04% solution, indicator grade | T/1470L/08 |
Thymol blue, pure, 0.04% solution, indicator grade Total | |
Thymol blue, pure, indicator grade | T/1470/44 |
Thymol blue, pure, indicator grade Total | |
Thymol, extra pure, SLR | T/1450/48 |
Thymol, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Thymolphthalein, pure, solid, indicator grade | T/1480/44 |
T/1480/46 | |
Thymolphthalein, pure, solid, indicator grade Total | |
Thymolphthalein, pure, solution 0.2%, indicator grade | T/1480L/08 |
Thymolphthalein, pure, solution 0.2%, indicator grade Total | |
Thymolsulfonephthaleindi-(methyl-iminodiacetic acid) sodium salt, pure | T/1500/43 |
Thymolsulfonephthaleindi-(methyl-iminodiacetic acid) sodium salt, pure Total | |
Tin solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HCl | J/8325/05 |
Tin solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HCl Total | |
Tin solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8067/05 |
J/8067/08 | |
Tin solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Tin solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HCl | J/8326/08 |
Tin solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M HCl Total | |
Tin(II) chloride anhydrous, extra pure, SLR | T/1645/48 |
Tin(II) chloride anhydrous, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, SLR | T/1652/48 |
T/1652/50 | |
T/1652/53 | |
T/1652/60 | |
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, for analysis | T/1654/48 |
T/1654/50 | |
T/1654/53 | |
T/1654/60 | |
T/1654/73 | |
Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, for analysis Total | |
Tin(IV) chloride anhydrous, pure | T/1665/PB05 |
Tin(IV) chloride anhydrous, pure Total | |
Tin(IV) chloride pentahydrate, pure | T/1661/48 |
T/1661/53 | |
Tin(IV) chloride pentahydrate, pure Total | |
Tin(IV) oxide, pure | T/1670/48 |
Tin(IV) oxide, pure Total | |
Tin, 99.5+%, for analysis, metal, granulated | T/1640/50 |
Tin, 99.5+%, for analysis, metal, granulated Total | |
Tin, technical, metal foil, 0.10 mm | T/1560/48 |
T/1560/53 | |
Tin, technical, metal foil, 0.10 mm Total | |
Tin, technical, metal powder, fine | T/1650/48 |
Tin, technical, metal powder, fine Total | |
Tin, technical, metal, granulated | T/1600/48 |
T/1600/53 | |
Tin, technical, metal, granulated Total | |
TISAB solution, pure | F/1325/21 |
TISAB solution, pure Total | |
Titan yellow, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 19540 | T/2060/46 |
Titan yellow, pure, indicator grade, C.I. 19540 Total | |
Titanium solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HCl | J/8330/05 |
Titanium solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HCl Total | |
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8110/05 |
J/8110/08 | |
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HCl | J/8331/08 |
Titanium solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 2M HCl Total | |
Titanium(III) chloride, For amino acid analysis | T/1958/PB08 |
Titanium(III) chloride, For amino acid analysis Total | |
Titanium(III) chloride, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.2 M, (0.2N) | J/8780/17 |
Titanium(III) chloride, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.2 M, (0.2N) Total | |
Titanium(III) chloride, technical, solution 12.5 % w/w TiCl3 | T/1950/PB08 |
Titanium(III) chloride, technical, solution 12.5 % w/w TiCl3 Total | |
Titanium(III) sulfate, technical, solution approx.15 % w/v Ti2(SO4)3 | T/2000/PB08 |
Titanium(III) sulfate, technical, solution approx.15 % w/v Ti2(SO4)3 Total | |
Titanium(IV) dioxide, extra pure, SLR | T/1900/53 |
Titanium(IV) dioxide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Titanium(IV) sulfate, technical, solution 15 % w/v approx. | T/1800/PB15 |
Titanium(IV) sulfate, technical, solution 15 % w/v approx. Total | |
Titanium, technical, metal, crushed sponge, SLR | T/1840/48 |
Titanium, technical, metal, crushed sponge, SLR Total | |
Toluene, 99.8+%, for residue analysis, Distol | T/2323/15 |
T/2323/17 | |
Toluene, 99.8+%, for residue analysis, Distol Total | |
Toluene, 99.9+%, for trace metal analysis, Primar | T/2301/17 |
Toluene, 99.9+%, for trace metal analysis, Primar Total | |
Toluene, 99+%, extra pure, SLR | T/2200/08 |
T/2200/17 | |
T/2200/21 | |
T/2200/25 | |
T/2200/27 | |
T/2200/FP21 | |
T/2200/PB17 | |
Toluene, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Toluene, Extra Dry, for synthesis | T/2302/PB15 |
T/2302/PB17 | |
Toluene, Extra Dry, for synthesis Total | |
Toluene, extra pure, SLR, low in sulfur | T/2250/17 |
T/2250/25 | |
T/2250/PB17 | |
Toluene, extra pure, SLR, low in sulfur Total | |
Toluene, for analysis | T/2300/15 |
T/2300/17 | |
T/2300/21 | |
T/2300/25 | |
T/2300/27 | |
T/2300/PB15 | |
T/2300/PB17 | |
Toluene, for analysis Total | |
Toluene, for HPLC | T/2306/15 |
T/2306/17 | |
Toluene, for HPLC Total | |
Toluene, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) | T/2310/PB17 |
Toluene, Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Total | |
Toluene, technical | T/2150/17 |
T/2150/25 | |
T/2150/27 | |
T/2150/PB15 | |
T/2150/PB17 | |
Toluene, technical Total | |
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid, extra pure, SLR | T/2500/48 |
T/2500/53 | |
Toluene-4-sulfonic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Toluidine blue, pure, C.I. 52040 | T/2660/46 |
Toluidine blue, pure, C.I. 52040 Total | |
Total hardness indicator tablets, pure, indicator grade | T/2750/79 |
Total hardness indicator tablets, pure, indicator grade Total | |
tri-Ammonium citrate, extra pure, SLR | A/4080/53 |
A/4080/60 | |
A/4080/70 | |
tri-Ammonium citrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
tri-Ammonium citrate, for analysis | A/4082/50 |
A/4082/53 | |
A/4082/70 | |
tri-Ammonium citrate, for analysis Total | |
tri-Calcium di-orthophosphate, pure, precipitated | C/1960/53 |
tri-Calcium di-orthophosphate, pure, precipitated Total | |
Trichloroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR | T/2950/50 |
T/2950/53 | |
T/2950/60 | |
Trichloroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Trichloroacetic acid, for analysis | T/3000/50 |
T/3000/53 | |
T/3000/60 | |
Trichloroacetic acid, for analysis Total | |
Trichloroacetic acid, for electrophoresis | T/P500/50 |
T/P500/60 | |
Trichloroacetic acid, for electrophoresis Total | |
Trichloroethylene, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.04% triethylamine | T/3100/08 |
T/3100/17 | |
T/3100/21 | |
T/3100/25 | |
T/3100/27 | |
T/3100/PB17 | |
Trichloroethylene, extra pure, SLR, stabilized with 0.04% triethylamine Total | |
Trichloroethylene, for analysis, stabilized | T/3101/08 |
T/3101/PB17 | |
Trichloroethylene, for analysis, stabilized Total | |
Trichloroethylene, technical, stabilized | T/3050/08 |
T/3050/25 | |
T/3050/PB17 | |
Trichloroethylene, technical, stabilized Total | |
Triethanolamine, extra pure, SLR | T/3150/08 |
T/3150/17 | |
T/3150/25 | |
Triethanolamine, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Triethanolamine, for analysis | T/3160/08 |
T/3160/17 | |
Triethanolamine, for analysis Total | |
Triethylamine, extra pure, SLR | T/3200/08 |
T/3200/17 | |
T/3200/25 | |
T/3200/PB08 | |
T/3200/PB17 | |
Triethylamine, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Triethylamine, for analysis | T/3201/15 |
T/3201/25 | |
T/3201/PB17 | |
Triethylamine, for analysis Total | |
Triethylamine, for HPLC | T/3203/07 |
Triethylamine, for HPLC Total | |
Triethylene glycol, 95+%, extra pure, SLR | T/3270/17 |
Triethylene glycol, 95+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.05% blended into acetonitrile | FE/0250/17 |
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.05% blended into acetonitrile Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.1% in water | FE/0150/17 |
Trifluoroacetic acid, 0.01%-0.1% in water Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, 99+%, for HPLC | T/3258/04 |
T/3258/PB05 | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, 99+%, for HPLC Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR | T/3256/PB05 |
Trifluoroacetic acid, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, For DNA synthesis and protein sequencing | T/3255/PB05 |
T/3255/PB08 | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, For DNA synthesis and protein sequencing Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, for HPLC, 1% solution, Certified | J/8800/PB08 |
Trifluoroacetic acid, for HPLC, 1% solution, Certified Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrile | FE/0200/17 |
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in acetonitrile Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in water | FE/0100/17 |
Trifluoroacetic acid, HPLC for gradient analysis, 0.1% (v/v) in water Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade | A116-05AMP |
A116-10X1AMP | |
A116-1AMP | |
A116-2AMP | |
A116-50 | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrile | LS121-1 |
LS121-212 | |
LS121-4 | |
LS121-500 | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in acetonitrile Total | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in water | LS119-1 |
LS119-212 | |
LS119-4 | |
LS119-500 | |
Trifluoroacetic acid, Optima® LC/MS grade, 0.1% solution in water Total | |
Trifluoroacetic anhydride, 99+%, extra pure, SLR | T/3257/PB05 |
Trifluoroacetic anhydride, 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Trimethylanilinium hydroxide, for gas chromatography, solution 0.1 M | T/3510/10 |
Trimethylanilinium hydroxide, for gas chromatography, solution 0.1 M Total | |
Tri-n-hexylamine, for HPLC | T/3296/PB05 |
Tri-n-hexylamine, for HPLC Total | |
Triphenyl phosphate, pure | T/3650/53 |
Triphenyl phosphate, pure Total | |
Triphenyl phosphine, pure | T/3652/48 |
Triphenyl phosphine, pure Total | |
tri-Potassium citrate, extra pure, SLR | P/4440/53 |
tri-Potassium citrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
tri-Potassium citrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP | P/4442/53 |
P/4442/63 | |
tri-Potassium citrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP Total | |
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, Biological buffer | T/P630/48 |
T/P630/53 | |
T/P630/60 | |
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, Biological buffer Total | |
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, 'Tris buffer', 99+%, extra pure, SLR | T/3710/48 |
T/3710/50 | |
T/3710/60 | |
Tris(hydroxymethyl) methylamine, 'Tris buffer', 99+%, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamine hydrochloride, 'Tris-HCl', for biochemistry | T/P631/48 |
T/P631/53 | |
T/P631/60 | |
Tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamine hydrochloride, 'Tris-HCl', for biochemistry Total | |
Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer, for electrophoresis, (10x concentration) | T/P050/15 |
T/P050/24 | |
Tris-Borate-EDTA Buffer, for electrophoresis, (10x concentration) Total | |
Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer, (10x concentration) | T/P010/15 |
Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer, (10x concentration) Total | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR | S/3280/53 |
S/3280/60 | |
S/3280/65 | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP | S/3320/53 |
S/3320/60 | |
S/3320/65 | |
S/3320/70 | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for analysis, Eur.Ph., BP, USP Total | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for electrophoresis | S/P500/53 |
S/P500/65 | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, for electrophoresis Total | |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, CertiFied | S/3380/53 |
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, HPLC for electrochemical detection, CertiFied Total | |
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLR | S/5760/50 |
S/5760/53 | |
S/5760/60 | |
S/5760/65 | |
S/5760/70 | |
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysis | S/5761/53 |
tri-Sodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, for analysis Total | |
Triton Kaowool® epsilon ceramic fibre, pure | T/3740/48 |
T/3740/53 | |
Triton Kaowool® epsilon ceramic fibre, pure Total | |
Triton X-100® reduced, for biochemistry | T/3753/44 |
Triton X-100® reduced, for biochemistry Total | |
Triton X-100®, extra pure, SLR | T/3751/08 |
T/3751/17 | |
Triton X-100®, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Triton® X-114, pure | T/3757/08 |
Triton® X-114, pure Total | |
Trypsin, pure, from beef pancreas | T/3760/48 |
Trypsin, pure, from beef pancreas Total | |
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8120/05 |
J/8120/08 | |
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 0.1M ammonia | J/8336/08 |
Tungsten solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 0.1M ammonia Total | |
Turpentine oil, extra pure, SLR, rectified | T/4050/15 |
Turpentine oil, extra pure, SLR, rectified Total | |
Turpentine substitute, extra pure, SLR | T/4200/17 |
T/4200/25 | |
T/4200/PB15 | |
T/4200/PB17 | |
Turpentine substitute, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Tween® 20, pure | T/4206/60 |
Tween® 20, pure Total | |
Tween® 40, pure | T/4205/60 |
Tween® 40, pure Total | |
Tween® 80, pure | T/4203/60 |
Tween® 80, pure Total | |
Universal indicator, pH range 4-10, for pH measurement | U/0020/PB05 |
U/0020/PB08 | |
U/0020/PB17 | |
Universal indicator, pH range 4-10, for pH measurement Total | |
Uracil, extra pure, SLR | U/0030/46 |
Uracil, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Urea, extra pure, SLR | U/0450/53 |
U/0450/60 | |
U/0450/63 | |
Urea, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Urea, for analysis | U/0500/53 |
U/0500/63 | |
U/0500/65 | |
U/0500/70 | |
Urea, for analysis Total | |
Urea, for biochemistry, specially pure | U/P610/50 |
U/P610/60 | |
Urea, for biochemistry, specially pure Total | |
Urease tablets | U/0650/78 |
Urease tablets Total | |
Urease-active meal, pure, from Jack beans | U/0655/46 |
Urease-active meal, pure, from Jack beans Total | |
Vanadium pentoxide, pure | V/0100/48 |
V/0100/53 | |
V/0100/70 | |
Vanadium pentoxide, pure Total | |
Vanadium solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8150/05 |
J/8150/08 | |
Vanadium solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Vanadyl sulfate hydrate, extra pure, SLR | V/0105/48 |
Vanadyl sulfate hydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Vinyl alcohol, pure, polymerized | V/0200/53 |
Vinyl alcohol, pure, polymerized Total | |
Water, for analysis, certified AR | W/0100/21 |
W/0100/24 | |
W/0100/25 | |
W/0100/27 | |
W/0100/FP21 | |
Water, for analysis, certified AR Total | |
Water, for HPLC-MS | W/0112/15 |
W/0112/17 | |
Water, for HPLC-MS Total | |
Water, for Karl Fischer analysis, solution in methanol( 1ml=5,0mg/H2O) | J/9000/15 |
J/9000/PB08 | |
Water, for Karl Fischer analysis, solution in methanol( 1ml=5,0mg/H2O) Total | |
Water, for UHPLC gradient grade analysis | W/0120/PB15 |
W/0120/PB17 | |
Water, for UHPLC gradient grade analysis Total | |
Water, for Ultra traces elemental analysis, Optima® | W9-1 |
W9-2 | |
W9-500 | |
Water, for Ultra traces elemental analysis, Optima® Total | |
Water, HPLC for electrochemical detection | W/0108/17 |
Water, HPLC for electrochemical detection Total | |
Water, HPLC for fluorescence detection | W/0107/17 |
Water, HPLC for fluorescence detection Total | |
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis | W/0106/15 |
W/0106/17 | |
W/0106/PB17 | |
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis Total | |
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis, Advanced HPLC grade for gradient analysis | W/0110/PB15 |
W/0110/PB17 | |
Water, HPLC for gradient analysis, Advanced HPLC grade for gradient analysis Total | |
Water, Optima® LC/MS grade | W6-1 |
W6-212 | |
W6-4 | |
W6-500 | |
Water, Optima® LC/MS grade Total | |
Wax Ceresin, technical, white | W/0300/50 |
Wax Ceresin, technical, white Total | |
Wax lanette emulsifying, pure | W/0320/53 |
Wax lanette emulsifying, pure Total | |
Wax, pure, Beeswax | W/0200/50 |
Wax, pure, Beeswax Total | |
Wax, pure, Beeswax, White | W/0150/53 |
Wax, pure, Beeswax, White Total | |
Wax, pure, Carnauba, yellow | W/0255/48 |
Wax, pure, Carnauba, yellow Total | |
Wood's metal, pure, m.p. ca. 70°C | W/0350/48 |
W/0350/53 | |
Wood's metal, pure, m.p. ca. 70°C Total | |
Xylene, 98+%, for electronic use | X/0255/17 |
X/0255/21 | |
X/0255/27 | |
Xylene, 98+%, for electronic use Total | |
Xylene, extra pure, SLR | X/0200/08 |
X/0200/17 | |
X/0200/21 | |
X/0200/25 | |
X/0200/27 | |
X/0200/PB17 | |
Xylene, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Xylene, for analysis | X/0250/15 |
X/0250/17 | |
X/0250/21 | |
X/0250/25 | |
X/0250/27 | |
X/0250/PB17 | |
Xylene, for analysis Total | |
Xylene, technical | X/0100/17 |
X/0100/25 | |
X/0100/27 | |
X/0100/PB17 | |
Xylene, technical Total | |
Yeast extract powder, pure | Y/0200/48 |
Yeast extract powder, pure Total | |
Zinc acetate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR | Z/0650/53 |
Zinc acetate dihydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Zinc acetate dihydrate, for analysis | Z/0700/50 |
Z/0700/53 | |
Z/0700/60 | |
Zinc acetate dihydrate, for analysis Total | |
Zinc bromide, extra pure, SLR | Z/0750/48 |
Zinc bromide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Zinc carbonate, pure, basic | Z/0800/53 |
Zinc carbonate, pure, basic Total | |
Zinc chloride, extra pure, SLR | Z/0850/53 |
Z/0850/60 | |
Z/0850/68 | |
Zinc chloride, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Zinc chloride, for analysis | Z/0870/53 |
Z/0870/60 | |
Zinc chloride, for analysis Total | |
Zinc iodide, extra pure, SLR | Z/1100/48 |
Zinc iodide, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR | Z/1150/50 |
Z/1150/53 | |
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, technical | Z/1145/50 |
Z/1145/53 | |
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate, technical Total | |
Zinc oxide, extra pure, SLR, Eur.Ph.,BP, USP | Z/1300/53 |
Z/1300/60 | |
Zinc oxide, extra pure, SLR, Eur.Ph.,BP, USP Total | |
Zinc oxide, for analysis | Z/1350/53 |
Z/1350/60 | |
Z/1350/70 | |
Zinc oxide, for analysis Total | |
Zinc solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid | J/8340/05 |
Zinc solution 10 000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total | |
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, for AAS | J/8070/05 |
J/8070/08 | |
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, for AAS Total | |
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid | J/8341/08 |
Zinc solution 1000 ppm, ICP, standard metal solution in approx. 1M nitric acid Total | |
Zinc stearate, technical | Z/1400/53 |
Zinc stearate, technical Total | |
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure, SLR | Z/1550/53 |
Z/1550/60 | |
Z/1550/61 | |
Z/1550/65 | |
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure, SLR Total | |
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, for analysis, 99.5-100.5% | Z/1600/53 |
Z/1600/65 | |
Z/1600/70 | |
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, for analysis, 99.5-100.5% Total | |
Zinc sulfate, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.05M | J/8490C/05 |
J/8490C/90 | |
Zinc sulfate, Standard solution for volumetric analysis, solution 0.05M Total | |
Zinc sulfide, pure | Z/1700/53 |
Zinc sulfide, pure Total | |
Zinc, extra pure, SLR, granulated (metal), activated with copper | Z/0400/53 |
Zinc, extra pure, SLR, granulated (metal), activated with copper Total | |