Địa chỉ: 119/7 Đường TX43, Khu Phố 3, Phường Thạnh Xuân, Quận 12, TP. Hồ Chí Minh.
Chuyên kinh doanh các loại hóa chất tinh khiết, vật tư tiêu hao, thiết bị phòng labs của các hãng: Sigma-Mỹ, Merck-Đức, Scharlau, Duksan, Xilong, ....
CA02110500 | Calcium bis-(dihydrogen phosphate) monohydrate, extra pure |
CA02111000 | Calcium bis-(dihydrogen phosphate) monohydrate, extra pure |
CA0211005P | Calcium bis-(dihydrogen phosphate) monohydrate, extra pure |
CA0211025P | Calcium bis-(dihydrogen phosphate) monohydrate, extra pure |
CA01820500 | Calcium carbonate, precipitated, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA01821000 | Calcium carbonate, precipitated, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0182005P | Calcium carbonate, precipitated, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0187025P | Calcium carbonate, precipitated, Ph Eur, USP, GMP |
CA01840500 | Calcium carbonate, precipitated, reagent grade, Reag. Ph Eur |
CA01841000 | Calcium carbonate, precipitated, reagent grade, Reag. Ph Eur |
CA01850060 | Calcium carbonate, secondary standard for volumetric titrations, Titrasure® |
CA01900500 | Calcium chloride anhydrous, granulated, extra pure |
CA01901000 | Calcium chloride anhydrous, granulated, extra pure |
CA0190005P | Calcium chloride anhydrous, granulated, extra pure |
CA0190025P | Calcium chloride anhydrous, granulated, extra pure |
CA01970500 | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, extra pure |
CA01971000 | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, extra pure |
CA0197005P | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, extra pure |
CA0197025P | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, extra pure |
CA01920500 | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, reagent grade |
CA01921000 | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, reagent grade |
CA0192005P | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, reagent grade |
CA0192025P | Calcium chloride anhydrous, powder, reagent grade |
CA01980250 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, molecular biology grade |
CA01981000 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, molecular biology grade |
CA01930500 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA01931000 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0193005P | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0193025P | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA01940500 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, reagent grade, ACS |
CA01941000 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, reagent grade, ACS |
CA0194005P | Calcium chloride dihydrate, powder, reagent grade, ACS |
CA01991000 | Calcium chloride dihydrate, sheets, extra pure |
CA0199005P | Calcium chloride dihydrate, sheets, extra pure |
CA01951000 | Calcium chloride, solution 1 mol/l |
CA02100500 | Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA02101000 | Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0210005P | Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0210025P | Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA02150250 | Calcium hydroxide, 90%, synthesis grade |
CA02150500 | Calcium hydroxide, 90%, synthesis grade |
CA02151000 | Calcium hydroxide, 90%, synthesis grade |
CA02160500 | Calcium hydroxide, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA02161000 | Calcium hydroxide, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0216005P | Calcium hydroxide, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0216025P | Calcium hydroxide, powder, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA01801000 | Calcium L(+)-ascorbate, extra pure, USP |
CA02250500 | Calcium lactate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA02251000 | Calcium lactate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA0225005P | Calcium lactate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CA02300500 | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, extra pure |
CA02301000 | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, extra pure |
CA0230005P | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, extra pure |
CA0230025P | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, extra pure |
CA02310500 | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA02311000 | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA0231005P | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA0231025P | Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA02600500 | Calcium oxide, natural, granulated |
CA02601000 | Calcium oxide, natural, granulated |
CA0260005P | Calcium oxide, natural, granulated |
CA0260025P | Calcium oxide, natural, granulated |
CA02000500 | Calcium stearate, extra pure |
CA02001000 | Calcium stearate, extra pure |
CA0200005P | Calcium stearate, extra pure |
CA02840500 | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
CA02841000 | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
CA0284005P | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
CA0284025P | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
CA02850250 | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA02850500 | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA02851000 | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA0285005P | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA0285025P | Calcium sulfate dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CA02950250 | Calcium tungstate, extra pure |
CA01760100 | Calcium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Ca for AA (calcium nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CA01760500 | Calcium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Ca for AA (calcium nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CA01790100 | Calcium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Ca for ICP (calcium carbonate in nitric acid 2%) |
AC06350005 | Calconcarboxylic acid, indicator for metal titration |
AC06350025 | Calconcarboxylic acid, indicator for metal titration |
AC06350250 | Calconcarboxylic acid, indicator for metal titration |
BA00300025 | Canada balsam, for microscopy |
BA00300100 | Canada balsam, for microscopy |
BA00300250 | Canada balsam, for microscopy |
CA03350250 | Carbazole, synthesis grade |
SU01701000 | Carbon disulfide, extra pure |
SU01711000 | Carbon disulfide, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CA03800025 | Carmine, C.I. 75470, for microscopy |
RE00161000 | Carrez´s Reagent I |
RE0016005P | Carrez´s Reagent I |
RE00171000 | Carrez´s Reagent II |
RE0017005P | Carrez´s Reagent II |
AC00200025 | Cedar wood oil, thickened |
CE00800100 | Cerium(III) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CE00900100 | Cerium(IV) oxide, synthesis grade |
CE00900250 | Cerium(IV) oxide, synthesis grade |
CE01000100 | Cerium(IV) sulfate tetrahydrate, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CE01000250 | Cerium(IV) sulfate tetrahydrate, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CE01011000 | Cerium(IV) sulfate, solution 0,05 mol/l (0,05 N) |
CE01021000 | Cerium(IV) sulfate, solution 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) |
CE00370100 | Cerium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Ce for ICP (cerium(IV) oxide in nitric acid 5%) |
CE01210100 | Cesium chloride, molecular biology grade |
CE01210500 | Cesium chloride, molecular biology grade |
CE01100100 | Cesium chloride, reagent grade |
CE01300025 | Cesium nitrate, extra pure |
CE01070100 | Cesium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cs for ICP (cesium chloride in water) |
AL01901000 | Cetyl alcohol, extra pure |
CA03460500 | Charcoal activated, granulated |
CA03461000 | Charcoal activated, granulated |
CA0346005P | Charcoal activated, granulated |
CA03510250 | Charcoal activated, powder, extra pure |
CA03510500 | Charcoal activated, powder, extra pure |
CA03511000 | Charcoal activated, powder, extra pure |
CA0351005P | Charcoal activated, powder, extra pure |
CA03520250 | Charcoal activated, powder, reagent grade |
CA03520500 | Charcoal activated, powder, reagent grade |
CA03521000 | Charcoal activated, powder, reagent grade |
CA0352005P | Charcoal activated, powder, reagent grade |
CA03500250 | Charcoal, animal, powder, extra pure |
CA03500500 | Charcoal, animal, powder, extra pure |
CL00100500 | Chloral hydrate, extra pure |
CL00101000 | Chloral hydrate, extra pure |
CL00200100 | Chloramine T trihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CL00200250 | Chloramine T trihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CL00201000 | Chloramine T trihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CL00250050 | Chloramphenicol, for biochemical purposes |
CL00250500 | Chloramphenicol, for biochemical purposes |
CL02270500 | Chloride, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cl- (potassium chloride in water) |
CL02280500 | Chloride, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cl- (sodium chloride in water) |
AC07470500 | Chloroacetic acid, extra pure |
AC07471000 | Chloroacetic acid, extra pure |
AC0747005P | Chloroacetic acid, extra pure |
AC07500500 | Chloroacetic acid, reagent grade, ACS |
AC0750005P | Chloroacetic acid, reagent grade, ACS |
AC07501000 | Chloroacetic acid, reagent grade, ACS |
CL01101000 | Chlorobenzene, extra pure |
CL01102500 | Chlorobenzene, extra pure |
CL0110005P | Chlorobenzene, extra pure |
CL0110025P | Chlorobenzene, extra pure |
CL01111000 | Chlorobenzene, reagent grade, ACS |
CL01112500 | Chlorobenzene, reagent grade, ACS |
CL0111005P | Chlorobenzene, reagent grade, ACS |
CL02020100 | Chloroform, 99,9%, anhydrous (max. 0,003% H2O), stabilized with 150 ppm of amylene |
CL02020500 | Chloroform, 99,9%, anhydrous (max. 0,003% H2O), stabilized with 150 ppm of amylene |
CL02021000 | Chloroform, 99,9%, anhydrous (max. 0,003% H2O), stabilized with 150 ppm of amylene |
CL02191000 | Chloroform, 99,9%, anhydrous (max. 0,003% H2O), with molecular sieves, stabilized with 150 ppm of amylene |
CL02011000 | Chloroform, analytical grade, stabilized with ethanol, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CL02012500 | Chloroform, analytical grade, stabilized with ethanol, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CL02001000 | Chloroform, extra pure, Ph Eur, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02002500 | Chloroform, extra pure, Ph Eur, stabilized with ethanol |
CL0200005P | Chloroform, extra pure, Ph Eur, stabilized with ethanol |
CL0200025A | Chloroform, extra pure, Ph Eur, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02102500 | Chloroform, extra pure, stabilized with 150 ppm of amylene |
CL02081000 | Chloroform, for GC residue analysis, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02082500 | Chloroform, for GC residue analysis, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02071000 | Chloroform, HPLC grade, stabilized with amylene (approx. 150 ppm) |
CL02072500 | Chloroform, HPLC grade, stabilized with amylene (approx. 150 ppm) |
CL02031000 | Chloroform, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02032500 | Chloroform, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02041000 | Chloroform, reagent grade, ACS, stabilized with ethanol, for determinations with dithizone |
CL02042500 | Chloroform, reagent grade, ACS, stabilized with ethanol, for determinations with dithizone |
CL02051000 | Chloroform, spectroscopy grade, stabilized with ethanol, Spectrosol® |
CL02052500 | Chloroform, spectroscopy grade, stabilized with ethanol, Spectrosol® |
CL02181000 | Chloroform, stabilized with ethanol, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CL02182500 | Chloroform, stabilized with ethanol, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CL01981000 | Chloroform, synthesis grade, stabilized with ethanol |
CL01982500 | Chloroform, synthesis grade, stabilized with ethanol |
CL0198005P | Chloroform, synthesis grade, stabilized with ethanol |
CL0198025P | Chloroform, synthesis grade, stabilized with ethanol |
CL02150100 | Chloroform-d + TMS (99:1, v/v), deuteration degree min. 99,8%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02130010 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,8%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02130100 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,8%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02130500 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,8%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02131000 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,8%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL0214.750 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,95%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02140010 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,95%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02140025 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,95%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CL02140100 | Chloroform-d, deuteration degree min. 99,95%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
RO01000005 | Chlorophenol red, indicator |
CO01800100 | Cholesterol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
CR01850500 | Chromate, standard solution 1000 mg/l CrO42- (potassium chromate in water) |
CR02101000 | Chromic mixture |
CR01901000 | Chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CR0190005P | Chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CR01940500 | Chromium(III) nitrate nonahydrate, extra pure |
CR01941000 | Chromium(III) nitrate nonahydrate, extra pure |
CR0194005P | Chromium(III) nitrate nonahydrate, extra pure |
CR02300500 | Chromium(III) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate, extra pure |
CR0230005P | Chromium(III) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate, extra pure |
CR0230025P | Chromium(III) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate, extra pure |
CR02301000 | Chromium(III) potassium sulfate dodecahydrate, extra pure |
AN02000500 | Chromium(VI) oxide, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
AN02001000 | Chromium(VI) oxide, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CR02220100 | Chromium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cr for AA (chromium(III) nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CR02220500 | Chromium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cr for AA (chromium(III) nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CR02260100 | Chromium, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cr for ICP (chromium(III) nitrate nonahydrate in nitric acid 2%) |
CR02350010 | Chromotrop 2 R, C.I. 16570, for complexometry |
AC07880025 | Chromotropic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
AC07880050 | Chromotropic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CR01750025 | Chrysoidine G, C.I. 11270, for microscopy |
CI02400025 | Cinchonine, synthesis grade |
CI02400100 | Cinchonine, synthesis grade |
AL05350250 | Cinnamaldehyde, synthesis grade |
AL05351000 | Cinnamaldehyde, synthesis grade |
AL02000250 | Cinnamyl alcohol, synthesis grade |
AC07170100 | Citraconic acid, synthesis grade |
AC07180500 | Citric acid anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC07181000 | Citric acid anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC0718005P | Citric acid anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC0718025P | Citric acid anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC0724025P | Citric Acid anhydrous, Ph Eur, USP, GMP |
AC07190500 | Citric acid anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC07191000 | Citric acid anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC0719005P | Citric acid anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC0719025P | Citric acid anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC07200500 | Citric acid monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC07201000 | Citric acid monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC0720005P | Citric acid monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC0720025P | Citric acid monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
AC07260100 | Citric acid monohydrate, molecular biology grade |
AC07261000 | Citric acid monohydrate, molecular biology grade |
AC0723025P | Citric acid monohydrate, Ph Eur, USP, GMP |
AC07250500 | Citric acid monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC07251000 | Citric acid monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC0725005P | Citric acid monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
AC0725025P | Citric acid monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00600250 | Cobalt oxide, black, synthesis grade |
CO00250500 | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO00251000 | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO0025005P | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO0025025P | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO00270250 | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00271000 | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO0027005P | Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00450500 | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO00451000 | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO0045005P | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO0045025P | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, extra pure |
CO00460250 | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00461000 | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO0046005P | Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00750250 | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure |
CO00751000 | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure |
CO0075005P | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure |
CO0075025P | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, extra pure |
CO00770100 | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, reagent grade |
CO0077005P | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, reagent grade |
CO00771000 | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, reagent grade |
CO00770250 | Cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate, reagent grade |
CO00150100 | Cobalt, powder, extra pure |
CO00120100 | Cobalt, standard solution 1000 mg/l Co for AA (cobalt nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CO00120500 | Cobalt, standard solution 1000 mg/l Co for AA (cobalt nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CO00130100 | Cobalt, standard solution 1000 mg/l Co for ICP (cobalt in nitric acid 2%) |
CO01352500 | Cocktail 22, for liquid scintillation, Normascint® |
CO0150005P | Cocktail Biogreen 3, for liquid scintillation |
CO0192005P | Collodion flexible, pure |
CO01921000 | Collodion flexible, pure |
CO01920250 | Collodion flexible, pure |
CO01900250 | Collodion, solution approx. 4% w/v, extra pure, USP |
CO01901000 | Collodion, solution approx. 4% w/v, extra pure, USP |
CO0190005P | Collodion, solution approx. 4% w/v, extra pure, USP |
CO02210250 | Complexon - magnesium, solution 0,1 mol/l |
CO02211000 | Complexon - magnesium, solution 0,1 mol/l |
PA01020250 | Conductivity standard, 12880 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl 0,1 mol/l |
PA01020500 | Conductivity standard, 12880 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl 0,1 mol/l |
PA01010250 | Conductivity standard, 1413 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl 0,01 mol/l |
PA01010500 | Conductivity standard, 1413 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl 0,01 mol/l |
PA01000250 | Conductivity standard, 147 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl 0,001 mol/l |
PA01000500 | Conductivity standard, 147 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl 0,001 mol/l |
PA01030250 | Conductivity standard, 50000 µS/cm (25 °C), KCl aqueous solution |
CO00970250 | Copper(I) chloride, reagent grade, ACS |
CO00970500 | Copper(I) chloride, reagent grade, ACS |
CO01100100 | Copper(I) cyanide, extra pure |
CO01101000 | Copper(I) cyanide, extra pure |
CO00920500 | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, extra pure |
CO00921000 | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, extra pure |
CO0092005P | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, extra pure |
CO0092025P | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, extra pure |
CO00950250 | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00950500 | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00951000 | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO0095005P | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO0095025P | Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO01000500 | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, USP |
CO01001000 | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, USP |
CO0100005P | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, USP |
CO0100025P | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, extra pure, USP |
CO01120100 | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CO01121000 | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CO0112005P | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
CO0112025P | Copper(II) chloride dihydrate, reagent grade, ACS |
RE00081000 | Copper(II) ethylenediamine solution, for determination of viscosity in cellulose according to DIN 54270 |
CO00880500 | Copper(II) hydroxide carbonate, extra pure |
CO00881000 | Copper(II) hydroxide carbonate, extra pure |
CO00980500 | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, extra pure |
CO00981000 | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, extra pure |
CO0098005P | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, extra pure |
CO0098025P | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, extra pure |
CO00910500 | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, reagent grade |
CO0091005P | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, reagent grade |
CO0091025P | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, reagent grade |
CO00911000 | Copper(II) nitrate trihydrate, reagent grade |
CO00990500 | Copper(II) oxide, extra pure |
CO00991000 | Copper(II) oxide, extra pure |
CO0099005P | Copper(II) oxide, extra pure |
CO0099025P | Copper(II) oxide, extra pure |
CO00870250 | Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO00871000 | Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO0087005P | Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO00960500 | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO00961000 | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO0096005P | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO0096025P | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
CO01010500 | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO01011000 | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO0101005P | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO0101025P | Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO01031000 | Copper(II) sulfate, solution 0,02 mol/l |
CO01021000 | Copper(II) sulfate, solution 0,1 mol/l |
CO00930500 | Copper, powder, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00931000 | Copper, powder, extra pure, Reag. Ph Eur |
CO00850100 | Copper, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cu for AA (copper(II) nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CO00850500 | Copper, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cu for AA (copper(II) nitrate in nitric acid 0,5 mol/l) |
CO00800100 | Copper, standard solution 1000 mg/l Cu for ICP (copper in nitric acid 2%) |
RO01100005 | Cresol red, indicator |
RO01100010 | Cresol red, indicator |
RO01100025 | Cresol red, indicator |
CR01351000 | Cryolite, synthesis grade |
VI00270500 | Crystal violet oxalate, solution according to Gram Hücker |
VI00272500 | Crystal violet oxalate, solution according to Gram Hücker |
VI00250025 | Crystal violet, C.I. 42555, indicator, extra pure |
VI00250100 | Crystal violet, C.I. 42555, indicator, extra pure |
CI00200500 | Cyanide, standard solution 1000 mg/l CN- (potassium cyanide in water) |
BR01750010 | Cyanogen bromide, synthesis grade |
CI00291000 | Cyclohexane, 99,5%, anhydrous (max. 0,005% H2O), with molecular sieves |
CI00300100 | Cyclohexane, 99,7%, anhydrous (max. 0,005% H2O) |
CI00300500 | Cyclohexane, 99,7%, anhydrous (max. 0,005% H2O) |
CI00301000 | Cyclohexane, 99,7%, anhydrous (max. 0,005% H2O) |
CI00311000 | Cyclohexane, extra pure |
CI00312500 | Cyclohexane, extra pure |
CI0031005L | Cyclohexane, extra pure |
CI0031025A | Cyclohexane, extra pure |
CI0031025S | Cyclohexane, extra pure |
CI00351000 | Cyclohexane, for GC residue analysis |
CI00352500 | Cyclohexane, for GC residue analysis |
CI00361000 | Cyclohexane, GC ultra-trace analysis grade |
CI00362500 | Cyclohexane, GC ultra-trace analysis grade |
CI00391000 | Cyclohexane, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CI00392500 | Cyclohexane, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CI00394000 | Cyclohexane, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CI0039007E | Cyclohexane, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CI0039025S | Cyclohexane, Multisolvent® HPLC grade ACS ISO UV-VIS |
CI00321000 | Cyclohexane, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CI00322500 | Cyclohexane, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CI0032005L | Cyclohexane, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CI0032025A | Cyclohexane, reagent grade, ACS, ISO, Reag. Ph Eur |
CI00331000 | Cyclohexane, UV spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CI00332500 | Cyclohexane, UV spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CI0037.750 | Cyclohexane-d12, deuteration degree min. 99,5%, NMR spectroscopy grade, Spectrosol® |
CI00421000 | Cyclohexanol, reagent grade |
CI00401000 | Cyclohexanol, synthesis grade |
CI00501000 | Cyclohexanone, extra pure |
CI00502500 | Cyclohexanone, extra pure |
CI0050005P | Cyclohexanone, extra pure |
CI00601000 | Cyclohexene, synthesis grade, stabilized with approx. 100 ppm of 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) |
CI0060005P | Cyclohexene, synthesis grade, stabilized with approx. 100 ppm of 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) |
CI0060025P | Cyclohexene, synthesis grade, stabilized with approx. 100 ppm of 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT) |
CI00701000 | Cyclohexylamine, synthesis grade |
AR00500005 | D(-)-Arabinose, for biochemistry |
AR00500025 | D(-)-Arabinose, for biochemistry |
LE00700500 | D(-)-Fructose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
LE00701000 | D(-)-Fructose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
MA01490500 | D(-)-Mannitol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
MA01491000 | D(-)-Mannitol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
MA0149005P | D(-)-Mannitol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
MA01500500 | D(-)-Mannitol, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
MA01501000 | D(-)-Mannitol, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
RI00250005 | D(-)-Ribose, extra pure |
RI00250025 | D(-)-Ribose, extra pure |
RI00250100 | D(-)-Ribose, extra pure |
SO08500250 | D(-)-Sorbitol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
SO08501000 | D(-)-Sorbitol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
SO0850005P | D(-)-Sorbitol, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
GA00250100 | D(+)-Galactose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP |
GL01251000 | D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
GL01270250 | D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
GL01271000 | D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
GL0127005P | D(+)-Glucose anhydrous, reagent grade, ACS, Reag. Ph Eur |
GL01290500 | D(+)-Glucose monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
GL01291000 | D(+)-Glucose monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
GL0129005P | D(+)-Glucose monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, USP |
GL01500025 | D(+)-Glucuronic acid-g-lactone, synthesis grade |
GL01500100 | D(+)-Glucuronic acid-g-lactone, synthesis grade |
GL01500250 | D(+)-Glucuronic acid-g-lactone, synthesis grade |
LA00600500 | D(+)-Lactose monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
LA00601000 | D(+)-Lactose monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
LA0060005P | D(+)-Lactose monohydrate, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
MA01600010 | D(+)-Mannose, for biochemistry |
MA01600100 | D(+)-Mannose, for biochemistry |
RA00250025 | D(+)-Raffinose pentahydrate, for bacteriology |
SU00301000 | D(+)-Saccharose (sucrose), molecular biology grade |
SU0030005P | D(+)-Saccharose (sucrose), molecular biology grade |
SA00200500 | D(+)-Saccharose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
SA00201000 | D(+)-Saccharose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
SA0020005P | D(+)-Saccharose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
SA0020025P | D(+)-Saccharose, extra pure, Ph Eur, BP, NF |
SA00210500 | D(+)-Saccharose, reagent grade, Reag. Ph Eur |
SA00211000 | D(+)-Saccharose, reagent grade, Reag. Ph Eur |
SA0021005P | D(+)-Saccharose, reagent grade, Reag. Ph Eur |
SA0021025P | D(+)-Saccharose, reagent grade, Reag. |